Monday, 10 July 2017 08:08

12th Sitting of the First Ordinary Session in 2017 today

12th Sitting of the First Ordinary (Spring) Session of the Parliament of Montenegro in 2017, will be held today, at 11:00.


1. Proposal for the Law on Amendments to the Law on Tax Administration;
2. Proposal for the Law on Amendments to the Law on Primary Education;
3. Proposal for the Law on Amendments to the General Law on Education;
4. Proposal for the Law on Amendments to the Law on Vocational Education;
5. Proposal for the Law on Amendments to the Law on Adult Education;
6. Proposal for the Law on Amendments to the Law on Education of Children with Special Educational Needs;
7. Proposal for the Law on Amendments to the Law on Gymnasium;
8. Proposal for the Law on Amendments to the Law on Preschool Education;
9. Proposal for the Law on Amendments to the Law on the regularisation of informal structures;
10. Elections and appointments.
