Children’s Parliament

Children's Parliament is organised by the Parliament of Montenegro and NGO Center for Children’s Rights, on the occasion of 20th November - Day of adopting the Convention on the Rights of the Child. During the sessions, MPs, ministers in the Government of Montenegro, mayors and others answer to questions posed by students of primary and secondary schools from all over Montenegro, representatives of local children’s parliaments.  

The project is dedicated to promotion of children’s rights to participate and advocate, as significant social needs and values.  It is one of the ways of connecting the youngest population with the parliament. At the same time, it is a mechanism for promoting children's rights and providing the opportunity for their voice to be heard in the highest legislature.

In this manner, the possibility is created for children to give their assessment of respect for rights in the family, school, and local community and to point to the problems and need to be involved in decision-making processes concerning their rights. Furthermore, children from different towns and regions are connecting, the Convention on the Rights of the Child is promoted as well as the necessity for respecting its standards.

Due to the past sessions, children have become more socially visible and they had the opportunity to show to what extent they mastered the skills of rational and realistic observation, argumentative advocacy, and readiness to explore and analyse.

Tuesday, 19 November 2019 08:15

Danas deseti jubilarni Dječji parlament

Predsjednik Skupštine Crne Gore Ivan Brajović otvoriće danas jubilarno Deseto zasijedanje Dječjeg parlamenta, u 12 sati, u Plenarnoj sali Skupštine Crne Gore.

Zasijedanje Dječjeg parlamenta u organizaciji Skupštine Crne Gore u saradnji sa Centrom za prava djeteta Crne Gore, održava se povodom obilježavanja 30 godina od usvajanja UN Konvencije o pravima djeteta i 10 godina zasijedanja Dječjeg parlamenta. Učesnici ovog događaja biće djeca osnovnih i srednjih škola iz Crne Gore kao i predstavnici Lokalnog dječijeg parlamenta Glavnog grada Podgorica.

Zbog značajnog jubileja, pored predsjednika Skupštine Crne Gore, planirano je da se prisutnima obrate i šef kancelarije UNICEF-a, predstavnik kancelarije Save the Children, zamjenica Zaštitnika ljudskih prava i sloboda za oblast prava djeteta, direktorica Centra za prava djeteta i djeca prezenteri iz sjeverne, centralne i južne regije Crne Gore.

Iz skupštinske klupe, prisutnima će se obratiti i bivša kopredsjedavajuća zasijedanja Dječjeg parlamenta u Skupštini 2009. godine koja će govoriti o svom iskustvu i važnosti uključivanja djece na ovaj način.


Obezbijeđen je direktan TV prenos zasijedanja na Drugom programu TVCG, kao i online streaming. 

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