Friday, 09 November 2018 16:25

20th Cetinje Parliamentary Forum held

"Election laws, participants and campaigns: is the voter in the spotlight?" is the question answered by MPs from the region and Montenegro, international officials from the Venice Commission - the Director and the Vice President, OSCE PA's Special Representative, as well as ODIHR experts, at the 20th Cetinje Parliamentary Forum that had just finished, organised by the Parliament of Montenegro, with the participation of non-governmental organisations and the presence of diplomatic corps.

The Cetinje Parliamentary Forum was opened by the President of the Parliament, Mr Ivan Brajović, followed by the dynamic sessions discussing the improvement of election laws and cooperation with international organisations, as well as the impact of campaigns and financing of political actors on election integrity.

- Our voters have a freedom of choice. Because free will is the basic and inalienable right of every human being on the planet and makes the identity of a free citizen. And the identity of a country is a free citizen with all its creative abilities that make him a dignified member and a creator of civil society – President Brajović emphasised and added:

- The Member of the Parliament is the medium through whom the will of the voters is expressed. In a multiparty system, the voter is no longer a passive observer engaged in political life every four years, but an active participant in the processes and reforms. Also, the voter does not have to wait for the elections in order to react with satisfaction or dissatisfaction. And that is what makes political life constant and transparent.

Speaking about the forthcoming activities with regards to the election legislation, Mr Brajović expressed confidence that improved legislation would strengthen political stability, existential security and outlined European standards that guarantee citizens of Montenegro, domestic and foreign investors, as well as the whole society, peaceful and quiet life and work.

- Let us not forget that democracy, as well as a man, is easier to be born in better conditions, and better to be fostered and mature. I believe in the longevity of Montenegrin democracy, because we do everything in our power to provide for the preconditions that lead to lasting and progressive goals - the President of the Parliament concluded.

After the Forum ended, participants adopted the Joint Declaration.

Speech of the President of the Parliament of Montenegro, Mr Ivan Brajović

20th Cetinje Parliamentary Forum



Speech of the President of the Parliament of Montenegro, Mr Ivan Brajović

