Monday, 07 May 2018 18:04

KIC Pop Chorus to perform at V-E Day celebration

The Parliament will start marking Victory in Europe Day (V-E Day) on Tuesday, 8 May, at 20h, on the plateau in front of the Parliament of Montenegro, with a concert of songs from the period of the National Liberation War (NOB), where more than 120 performers will participate.

In addition to the KIC Pop Chorus and backing band, the following will also participate in the programme: Military Orchestra of the Ministry of Defence, members of the choir of the School for Basic Music Education and the Ballet of the Central Ballet School "Vasa Pavić”, the choir “Zvezdice”, the dance group “Allegro”, folklore from the KIC ensemble Budo Tomović, and soloists Andrijana Božović and Renata Perazić. Aside from the music program lasting about 90 minutes, citizens will be able to join the Union of fighters and antifascists of Montenegro at the promo counters.

The concert in front of the Parliament is the gift of the highest legislative body to the citizens on the occasion of the Day of Victory over Fascism.

On next day, Wednesday, 9 May at 9:00h, President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ivan Brajović  will lead a delegation which will lay a wreath at the Monument of the Partisan Fighter in Gorica, to be followed by a discussion on "Resisting populist movements” in the Parliament, scheduled for 12h.   

All events are open to the media, which can contact the Department for Public Relations and Protocol in case they need further information. Tel. 020 404 565 (focal point Sanja Perić 067 246 994) or via e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..