Friday, 11 May 2018 14:12

Official visit by the Parliament of Montenegro’s delegation to the Czech Republic ends

Delegation was led by Chairperson of the Committee on International Relations and Emigrants Mr Andrija Nikolić and Chairperson of the Security and Defence Committee Mr Obrad Mišo Stanišić. Mr Miodrag Vuković, member of the Committee on International Relations and Emigrants, and Mr Luigj Lui Shkrela member of the Security and Defence Committee, were also in the delegation.

On day two of the official visit to the Czech Republic, the Parliament of Montenegro’s delegation held a meeting with Deputy Minister Ministry of Defence of the Czech Republic Mr Daniel Koštoval.

Mr Koštoval informed members of the Montenegrin delegation on the organisation structure of the Czech armed forces and plans for its further development, the capabilities of professional members of the army and the way they deal with challenges, as well as on the Czech companies in the military industry.

Chairperson of the Security and Defence Committee Mr Obrad Mišo Stanišić pointed out that Montenegro’s achievements since the renewal of its independence resulted in its membership of NATO and brought the country to the door of the EU membership. In addition to this, Montenegro continuously contributes to the stabilisation of the entire Western Balkans region. He said that Montenegro has built a small but capable army and reformed its security services in order to meet the NATO standards, noting that the successful outcome of a sustained effort to reform and modernise the Montenegrin security and defence system has been achieved with the help and support of NATO and EU countries. He expressed special gratitude on the donations of the Czech Republic for the MONDEM programme for the neutralisation of surplus weapons.

Stability and security policy is a basic feature of the Montenegrin politics, Chairperson of the Committee on International Relations and Emigrants Mr Andrija Nikolić stressed. He emphasised the importance of Montenegro's integration agenda, and in this context, the role of the Czech Republic, which has been helping us devotedly on this path.

Members of the Montenegrin Parliament met with the ROK Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Special Envoy for Cyber Space Richard Kadlcak of the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affair, who presented the legislative framework of the host country and the national organisational structure in the cyber security field. 

The meeting noted that contemporary challenges of cyber security imposed the need of prioritising this issue at the global level, and in this regard, the importance of education on this topic was emphasised as well as the necessity of training officers working on information security with the aim of providing better protection in this field.

The joint conclusion is that the two-day visit of  Montenegrin parliamentary delegation to the Czech Republic represented a contribution to the further strengthening of interstate cooperation, which should be intensified with concrete projects in the upcoming period.