Tuesday, 29 January 2019 18:02

Members of the Parliament of Montenegro take part in a Conference in the European Parliament

Communicating with citizens: how to develop a comprehensive communication strategy of a parliament

The delegation of the Parliament of Montenegro, composed of Mr Predrag Sekulić, Mr Nikola Rakočević, Ms Anka Vukićević and Ms Danijela Pavićević, participated today at the Conference on "Communicating with citizens: how to develop a comprehensive communication strategy of a parliament", held at the European Parliament in Brussels.

During the conference, special attention was paid to the EP communication policy, how can a parliament monitor public opinion, relations between EP and the citizens, and models of communication between parliaments and citizens.

The conference covered topics on the importance of parliamentary dialogue with public opinion, through familiarisation with the practice of the European Parliament, in order for the existing experience to be applied in candidate countries.

It was pointed out that the European Parliament was the home of all Europeans, and that the goal was to share the visibility of its work, in order to respond to the existing challenges jointly.

It was assesed that misinformation and spreading false news represented one of the greatest dangers, contributiong to increasing polarisation.

The conference had the aim of improving the transparency and communication strategy of the parliament, and the representatives of parliaments had the opportunity to exchange views and experiences during the conference.

Participants of the conference jointly noted that the exchange of practice gave great contribution in defining the best communication strategies of national parliaments.