Thursday, 30 May 2019 10:48

President of the Parliament speaks with the President of the Republic of Slovenia

President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ivan Brajović today has hosted President of the Republic of Slovenia Mr Borut Pahor, who is paying an official visit to Montenegro.

The interlocutors jointly noted at the meeting, held in the Parliament of Montenegro, that a continuous political dialogue was a proof of traditionally friendly relations between the two states, additionally deepened by a partnership in NATO Alliance. They concluded that excellent political relations between the two states should serve to more intensive economic cooperation.

President Brajović thanked President Pahor for the Slovenian strong support to Montenegro’s accession process, stressing the importance of partnership with other states that best understand the developments in the Western Balkans. The President of the Parliament emphasised his expectation that Montenegro would be supported, in the upcoming period as well, by the Slovenian representatives in the EP. He stressed that he shared Mr Pahor’s clear position, expressed on several occasions, that the stability of the Western Balkans was important for the entire Europe. On this path, Mr Brajović said, Montenegro expects that success of every country and pace of their accession would depend solely on their achievements, while the path towards the EU is as important as the membership itself.

The Slovenian President particularly stressed the role of parliaments in the accession process, bearing in mind the importance of efficient adoption of the laws necessary for meeting the membership criteria. The Parliament is a place which brings together all representatives of the citizens, both from the government and opposition, while the accession process should be a cohesive factor for all political parties if they sincerely advocate Montenegro’s membership in the EU - the President of the Republic of Slovenia stressed.

President Pahor said that Slovenia saw Montenegro as its sincere friend, therefore, Montenegro had its friend within the EU in the same manner.

The meeting, attended also by members of the Montenegro-Slovenia parliamentary Friendship Gruoup - Mr Andrija Nikolić, Chairperson of the Committee on European Integration, and Mr Branko Čavor, MP, shared views on internal developments within the two countries.

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Meeting Mr Brajović - Mr Pahor

