Monday, 14 October 2019 15:12

Members of the Parliament hold meeting with the China Public Diplomacy Association (CPDA) delegation

Members of the Montenegro - China parliamentary Friendship Group Ms Nada Drobnjak and Ms Branka Tanasijević today held a meeting with a delegation of the China Public Diplomacy Association (CPDA).

Expressing satisfaction with the visit of the Chinese delegation and the traditionally good relations between the two countries, Ms Nada Drobnjak, MP, thanked for the Chinese support provided so far, reflected in the large number of donations and implementation of development projects that are of great importance for our country. She stressed the importance of the current project of construction of the Bar - Boljare highway and reconstruction of the Tara Đurđević bridge, evaluating that these projects represent a kind of symbols of friendship between Montenegro and China.

Mr Chen Yuming, the CPDA Vice-President, expressing his appreciation for the opportunity to speak with representatives of the Friendship Group, outlined the basic responsibilities of the China Public Diplomacy Association. At the end of the meeting, Vice-President Yuming expressed his conviction that the China Public Diplomacy Association, in cooperation with the PRC’s Embassy, would continue to support Montenegro and its development.