Odbor za politički sistem, pravosuđe i upravu utvrdio listu kandidata za članove Tužilačkog savjeta iz reda uglednih pravnika

President of the Parliament of Montenegro, Mr Ivan Brajović, at a meeting held today with the US Ambassador to Montenegro, Ms Margaret Ann Uyehara, reiterated his assessment of the very successful meetings during his stay in the United States of America, on the occasion of the National Prayer Breakfast, recently held in Washington.

The President of the Parliament and the US Ambassador agreed on the importance of diplomatic activities and meetings with representatives of the United States of America and other countries, which Montenegro has shared same democratic values with.

The political situation in Montenegro, ahead of the presidential elections, was also discussed at the meeting. In this context, President Brajović pointed out that the upcoming presidential elections, that would be followed by local elections, we are to welcome in an additionally improved election environment, bearing in mind adopted recommendations of OSCE/ODIHR.


Meeting Mr Brajović – Ms Uyehara



Committee established two proposals for laws

Three items of the agenda considered

At today’s meeting, the Legislative Committee has considered and voted in favour of the following: Proposal for the Law on Amendments to the Law on Proprietary-Legal Relations; Proposal for the Law on Amendments to the Law on State Surveying and Cadastre of Immovable Property; and Proposal for a Decision on Amendments to the Rules of Procedure of the Parliament of Montenegro.

The Proposal for the Law on Amendments to the 2018 Budget Law of Montenegro was supported

The Committee has considered an amendment to the Proposal for the Law on Freshwater Fisheries and Aquaculture