Members of the Security and Defence Committee of the Parliament of Montenegro tomorrow will visit border crossings with Bosnia & Herzegovina (Ilino Brdo) and Republic of Croatia(Debeli brijeg), in line with Article 15 paragraph 2 of the Law on Parliamentary Oversight of Security and Defence Sector.

At its 44th meeting, members of the Committee on International Relations and Emigrants have considered and unanimously supported the proposal that Mr Budimir Šegrt be Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Montenegro to the Republic of Poland, on a residential basis in Warsaw.

Na danas održanoj 43. sjednici, članovi Odbora za međunarodne odnose i iseljenike jednoglasno su dali pozitivno mišljenje na prijedlog da Vera Kuliš bude izvanredna i opunomoćena ambasadorka Crne Gore u SR Njemačkoj, na rezidentnoj osnovi, sa sjedištem u Berlinu.

Zagreb, 6 - 8 November

Members of the Committee on Health, Labour and Social Welfare will pay a study visit to the Republic of Turkey, Ankara, in the period 5-7 November 2018.

The Committee held a consultative hearing on border control and information sharing in the context of preventing and combating terrorism and violent extremism with special reference to the advanced passenger information system (APIS), passenger name records and collection of biometric data