Tuesday, 02 June 2020 21:53

National Coordination Body: End of coronavirus epidemic in Montenegro, pandemic still ongoing



The National Coordination Body for Communicable Diseases, at today’s session, decided at the suggestion of the Public Health Institute to declare an end to the coronavirus epidemic, introduced in the entire state territory on 26 March.

It was noted that this was the result of months - long efforts by everyone in the system and our citizens, to whom the National Coordination Body expressed thanks for their trust and discipline. In addition, satisfaction was expressed with the so far quality and efficient engagement of the entire health system and all operational staffs.

The National Coordination Body decided, in accordance with the policy of full transparency of work that it had practiced, to present to the citizens, until the end of the week, all relevant information about medical devices and equipment which our country came out with following the end of epidemic.


In line with the outcome of the meeting of the Prime Minister and members of the National Coordination Body with the representatives of the Union of Seafarers of Montenegro held on Sunday, it was decided to facilitate institutional isolation measures for our seafarers returning to Montenegro, bearing in mind the fact that those on the ships had already spent some time in isolation.

Seafarers disembarking in countries with an active case rate of less than 25 / 100,000 inhabitants and arriving via that country or other countries that also have an active case rate of less than 25 / 100,000 inhabitants (the so-called "green corridor"), upon arrival in Montenegro do not have to go into quarantine or self-isolation. According to the assessment of the competent epidemiologist and in line with the provisions of the Law on Protection of Population against Communicable Diseases, they can be sampled and tested for the novel coronavirus, if necessary.

Seafarers disembarking in countries with an active case rate of less than 25 / 100,000 inhabitants, and who pass in transit or stay after the disembarkation in countries with more than 25 active cases per 100,000 inhabitants, upon arrival in Montenegro are placed in institutional quarantine for a period of seven days, after which they can be transferred to home self-isolation until the expiration of 14 days following the return. Testing for the novel coronavirus will be done, either in quarantine or in self-isolation.

Seafarers disembarking in countries with an active case rate higher than 25 / 100,000 inhabitants, regardless of which countries they are to visit in transit to Montenegro, are placed in institutional quarantine upon arrival in Montenegro for a period of seven days, after which they can be transferred to home self-isolation until the expiration of 14 days following the return. Testing for the novel coronavirus will be done either in quarantine or in self-isolation.

It was stated that the National Coordination Body and the Government have carried out a number of activities in their work so far, to enable our seafarers their return to Montenegro, when transit via third countries was needed, as well as boarding foreign ships. Today's measure towards our seafarers is also the result of understanding the hard work they have been dealing with, it was noted at the session, with the determination that individual cases of violations of quarantine rules, as they happened, be processed decisively and efficiently.

 * * *

Temporary measures for protecting citizens against coronavirus

(28 February – 2 June 2020) 

Podgorica, 31 May -  The National Coordination Body for Communicable Diseases, at today's session, taking into account the epidemiological situation and the fact that there are no active cases of the novel coronavirus in Montenegro at the moment, analyzed the possibilities of opening borders and re-establishing international traffic, as well as further ease of other valid measures. The Body decided, at the suggestion of the Public Health Institute, to allow foreign nationals to enter Montenegro from 1 June, without prescribing quarantine and self-isolation measures, provided that the key criterion for entry is a rate of active coronavirus cases of less than 25 per 100,000 inhabitants in the country of which the foreigner is a resident and in the country from which the foreigner enters Montenegro.
The list, updated weekly by the Public Health Institute of Montenegro, includes: Slovenia (0.43 confirmed cases per 100,000 inhabitants), Iceland (0.88), Croatia (2.34), Slovakia (2.93) , Georgia (3.83), Switzerland (6.46), Albania (7.12), Austria (7.98), Norway (8.10), Monaco (10.20), Kosovo (11.99), Germany (12.61), Greece (13.00), Hungary (13.57), Denmark (13.97), Lithuania (14.57), Latvia (15.52), Azerbaijan (15.96), Luxembourg (16.00), Bosnia and Herzegovina (16.45), Bulgaria (19.82), Israel (20.94), North Macedonia (21.60), Ireland (21.96), Czech Republic (22.41), Finland (23.09) and Estonia (16.06). (The complete list can be downloaded from the website of the Public Health Institute of Montenegro).

Air and sea traffic is allowed with the countries on the list, and the current measure on general aviation remains in force.

Respecting the guidelines and principles set out in key acts of the European Commission, and above all in the Joint European Roadmap towards lifting COVID-19 containment measures, and in the Guidelines for phased and coordinated approach for restoring freedom of movement by partial lifting of restrictions and controls at the EU internal borders, the National Coordination Body took into account both the health system capacity and the availability of testing capacity that would be necessary for the timely detection and monitoring of possible re-spread of the virus.

Entry of persons from countries with a higher active rate of 25/100,000

Our citizens and foreigners with permanent or temporary residence in our country who enter Montenegro from countries where the confirmed rate of active cases of coronavirus is higher than 25 per 100,000 inhabitants are ordered to be placed in self-isolation or quarantine for 14 days. For individuals who are tested negative for the novel coronavirus by PCR testing for SARS-CoV-2, the measure of self-isolation and quarantine is revoked after 14 days.

Self-isolation means staying in family household or other facility, while the health status of this person, as well as all members of the household is monitored by the competent epidemiological service.

Institutional isolation is compulsory for persons who have been quarantined or self-isolated and are tested positive for the novel coronavirus, if they must be isolated from healthy persons and cannot be provided with self-isolation in family accommodation; for patients who have been hospitalized, have recovered and have no symptoms of the disease, but have not yet had two consecutive negative results from samples taken at intervals of 24 hours; as well as for persons who came from abroad and tested positive for the novel coronavirus in quarantine.

Institutional isolation means accommodation in a facility intended for self-isolation and the stay of persons who are tested positive for the novel coronavirus and who do not have symptoms of the disease, who do not require medical treatment but must be supervised by health professionals, based on the decision of the sanitary inspection.

The traffic of goods for the needs of Montenegro and transit remains smooth, with particular measures of health supervision, in accordance with the recommendations of the Public Health Institute of Montenegro.

Concluding the discussion on this agenda item, the President of the National Coordination Body noted that Montenegro is not closing its borders, on the contrary! "We are opening our borders, in accordance with the recommendations of the profession, for the benefit of both citizens and numerous tourists who will visit us this summer," said the President of National Coordination Body.

Up to 200 people at public gatherings

At the suggestion of the Public Health Institute, the National Coordination Body decided that all types of gatherings, both outdoors and indoors, in public places, including weddings, funerals, can be attended by up to 200 people and that outdoor and indoor sports competitions and tournaments can be attended by up to 200 spectators/fans. Maintaining social distance of at least 2m is obligatory. It is obligatory to disinfect equipment for training, competitions and tournaments and shared items at sports competitions.

Work of disco clubs, kids playrooms, and kindergartens allowed

The work of disco clubs/bars and night clubs/bars as well as kids playrooms, in accordance with the instructions of the Public Health Institute, is allowed. The work of cinemas, theatres and kindergartens is also allowed.

Some expired documents are valid until 1 July

Driving licences as well as permits for permanent and temporary residence and work of foreigners, whose validity period has expired, are considered valid until 1 July 2020.

* * *

Podgorica, 19 May -  The National Coordination Body for Communicable Diseases agreed earlier today to amend the order on suspension of public passenger transport in international air traffic and the ban on the entry of foreigners into Montenegro, by excluding from the order the non-commercial air transport (passenger transport for their own needs), which will be carried out along with the application of temporary measures, as follows:

1) The aircraft used for non-commercial air traffic may have a capacity of up to 10 seats;
2) Crew and passengers are obliged to wear protective masks when getting off the aircraft and during their stay at the airport;
3) When entering Montenegro, passengers and crew must have a PCR test for SARS-CoV-2 not older than 48 hours;
4) After entering Montenegro, health surveillance measures are applied to passengers, in accordance with the recommendations of the Public Health Institute of Montenegro;
5) For the arrival/departure of passengers from the passenger terminal to the accommodation, it is necessary to organise special transport, in accordance with the recommendations of the Public Health Institute; and
6) While staying in a hotel or other accommodation, passengers are obliged to apply the recommendations of the Institute for Public Health.

The National Coordination Body agreed to amend the appropriate order on banning the organisation of games of chance, so that the organisation of games of chance in casinos is also allowed.

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Podgorica, 18 May - The National Coordination Body for Communicable Diseases, within the framework of creating preconditions for the beginning of the summer tourist season, has reached a decision to open our airports for general aviation flights to Montenegro and from Montenegro. The competent entities are in charge of issuing the appropriate instructions and orders tomorrow.

After reviewing the report on the epidemiological situation in Montenegro, the National Coordination Body expressed serious concern about public gatherings that are banned due to the high epidemiological risk. Such gatherings, it was assessed, endanger the achieved result and the necessary recovery of the Montenegrin economy.

Consent was given to change the appropriate orders of the Ministry of Health in order to abolish the application of temporary measures prohibiting sports activities in public areas and gathering in residential buildings of persons who are not members of the family household.

Several cases of our citizens who are abroad and want to return to Montenegro were also considered. Emphasising that since the outbreak of the novel coronavirus pandemic in Montenegro, about 17,000 of our citizens have been successfully returned thanks to the activities of the competent authorities, the National Coordination Body confirms its determination to return all our citizens who want it. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is in charge of continuously searching for the solution of the return to Montenegro of our citizens who are on cruise ships.

The National Coordination Body once again warns our citizens not to go to Montenegro in passenger vehicles without prior coordination with our diplomatic and consular missions and reminds that all persons entering Montenegro, regardless of the method and place of entry and other circumstances must spend 14 days in quarantine.

Considering the remarks of several of our seafarers, the National Coordination Body reminded that the same rule applies to seafarers as to other citizens, and that after the obligatory two weeks of quarantine and obtaining a negative PCR test result, the obligation of isolation ceases.

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Podgorica, 12 May -  The National Coordination Body for Communicable Diseases, at today's thematic session "Economy of Montenegro towards a new reality” has  agreed to amend orders to ease temporary measures against the coronavirus spread.

Lifting the ban on movement and internal traffic

In accordance with the favourable development of the epidemiological situation, it was agreed that from Friday, 15 May, the temporary measure of banning the movement from 23:00 to 05:00 will be lifted, as well as to start the gradual normalisation of traffic within Montenegro.

As of Friday, traffic in passenger and TAXI vehicles is allowed on the entire territory of Montenegro, and from Monday, public road and railway transport. As of Friday, the temporary measure that a maximum of two adults can be transported in a passenger vehicle is abolished. Both passenger and public transport still imply the use of protective masks, except in passenger transport in the case when members of the family household are transported in the vehicle. Standing on public transport is still prohibited.

Catering facilities, shopping malls and beaches/bathing areas reopen

From Friday, the work of catering facilities and shopping malls and the use of beaches/bathing areas is possible.

Caterers are obliged to organise the work, as follows:

- to prominently display, at the entrance/exit to the catering facility, a notice on the prescribed temporary measures of prevention and control of the novel coronavirus with instructions for their application;

- a maximum of four guests are allowed to sit at the table, unless the guests are members of a joint family household, when it is possible for several guests to sit at the same table;

- to provide a distance of at least 2m between the tables, in accordance with the recommendations of the Public Health Institute of Montenegro;

- to ensure that employees wear protective masks;

- to provide hand sanitizes to employees, in accordance with the recommendations of the Public Health Institute of Montenegro; 

- to provide hand sanitizers to customers at the entrance/exit of the catering facility, in accordance with the recommendations of the Public Health Institute of Montenegro;

- to disable the self-service, standing and staying in front of the bar;

- to provide regular maintenance of hygiene and disinfection of common areas, furniture, equipment, etc., in accordance with the recommendations of the Public Health Institute of Montenegro; and

- to provide marked places for hygienic waste disposal in the catering facility (inside the facility and on the terrace/garden).

Companies, other legal entities and entrepreneurs engaged in the provision of tourist services at beaches and bathing areas are obliged to organise their work, as follows:

- to prominently display, at the entrance/exit to the bathing area/beach, a notice on the prescribed temporary measures for prevention and control of the novel coronavirus (beach furniture arrangement, disinfection, etc.), with instructions for their application;

- to provide a distance between the sets of beach furniture of at least 2m, in accordance with the recommendations of the Public Health Institute of Montenegro;

- to provide a social distance of at least 2 m, except for members of the joint family household, on public bathing areas where the beach furniture is not installed, in accordance with the instructions of the Public Health Institute of Montenegro; 

- to provide regular maintenance of hygiene and disinfection of beach furniture and equipment (deck chair, changing cabins, shower cabins, props for children, etc.), in accordance with the recommendations of the Public Health Institute of Montenegro; 

- in showers, drinking fountains and toilets on the beach/bathing area, it is obligatory to install disinfectants, in accordance with the recommendations of the Public Health Institute of Montenegro; and

- to provide marked places for hygienic waste disposal on the beach/bathing area.

Users of unarranged bathing areas are obliged to respect a distance of at least 2m, except for members of the joint family household.

Owners/users and managers of shopping malls and legal entities and entrepreneurs engaged in indoor trade on stands/stalls are obliged to organise their work, as follows:

- to prominently display, at the entrance/exit to the shopping mall, a notice on the prescribed temporary measures of prevention and control of the novel coronavirus with instructions for their application;

- to limit the number of customers/visitors who can be in the shopping mall/sales area at the same time, i.e. one customer on 10 m2 in each facility in the shopping mall, with the obligation to respect the social distance of at least 2m;

- to provide mandatory control of the number of customers/visitors in the shopping mall/area, i.e. in each facility in the shopping mall;

- to clearly mark the obligatory direction of movement of customers/visitors (specify the entrance and exit);

- to provide hand sanitizers to customers/visitors at the entrance/exit to the shopping mall, i.e. in each facility in the shopping mall, in accordance with the recommendations of the Public Health Institute of Montenegro;

- to provide hand sanitizers to employees, in accordance with the recommendations of the Public Health Institute of Montenegro;

- to ensure that employees and costumers/visitors wear protective masks;

- to provide regular maintenance of hygiene and disinfection of common areas, in accordance with the recommendations of the Public Health Institute of Montenegro; and

- provide marked places for hygienic waste disposal.

Owners/users and managers of shopping malls are also obliged to provide/mark a distance of at least 2m between costumers/visitors who are in front of the shopping mall.

The ban on the work of cinemas in shopping malls remains in force.


The National Coordination Body has agreed to start the announced second phase of easing temporary measures in sports on Monday, 18 May. Indoor and outdoor activities that can be performed in groups will also be allowed, but for larger team sports, the possibility of dividing the team into smaller groups during training should be taken into account, when possible.

It was decided that the third phase of easing measures in sports, in which it will be possible to organise sports competitions without the presence of the audience, which was announced for 1 June, will begin on 30 May.

Temporary hospitals, KCCG security and illegal public gatherings in Nikšić

The National Coordination Body stated that the temporary hospitals had been dismantled and that the equipment had been stored. Consent was given to the cessation of the need for the Army of Montenegro to secure the Clinical Center of Montenegro.

The National Coordination Body for Communicable Diseases stated that in Nikšić, due to the illegal public gathering, the epidemiological risk has significantly increased. It was stated that the development of the epidemiological situation in Nikšić will be analyzed in the coming days with special attention, and that appropriate epidemiological measures will be adopted in accordance with the results that will be determined.

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Podgorica, 8 May -  The epidemiological situation in Montenegro is under complete control, and our country is every day getting closer to the end of the epidemic, said the National Coordination Body for Communicable Diseases at today's session

At the suggestion of the Public Health Institute of Montenegro, the National Coordination Body approved the amendments to the relevant orders of the Ministry of Health in order to enable personal and public transportation within the regions in Montenegro, gradual normalisation of the Clinical Centre of Montenegro and general and special hospitals and the provision of services to all patients and religious rites in accordance with the epidemiological situation with a ban on public gatherings.
The epidemiological report of the Public Health Institute showed that 148 analyses were performed in Montenegro in the past 24 hours and that there were no new positive cases of infection with the novel coronavirus, while in the same period one person recovered. At the moment, there are 49 active cases, 267 people have recovered, and since the beginning of the infection, there have been a total of 324 infected people. Montenegro is every day getting closer to the end of the epidemic. Whether we will succeed in that, which is of great importance for every citizen and for our economy, depends on all of us. That is why the National Coordination Body appeals to all citizens and social subjects to consistently and responsibly implement and respect all valid epidemiological measures.

Disbandment of temporary hospitals

Based on the positive opinion of the Public Health Institute and the assessed epidemiological situation, the National Coordination Body proposed to the Government to immediately make a decision to disband temporary hospitals and recommended that all equipment should be stored in one place.
In accordance with the recommendation of the Crisis Medical Staff, about 150 patient beds for COVID patients will be kept in health institutions.

Movement between municipalities

Consent was given for the ease of temporary measures on movement between municipalities and passenger motor vehicles and public transport in road traffic, so that, at the proposal of the Public Health Institute, movement within the regions was enabled, as follows:

In the coastal region between the municipalities: Bar, Budva, Herceg Novi, Kotor, Tivat, Ulcinj and Cetinje.
- In the central region between the municipalities: Podgorica, Cetinje, Danilovgrad, Tuzi, Nikšić, Šavnik and Plužine.
- In the northern region between the municipalities: Pljevlja, Žabljak, Bijelo Polje, Berane, Mojkovac, Kolašin, Plav, Rožaje, Andrijevica, Petnjica and Gusinje.

No more than two adults may be transported in a passenger motor vehicle at the same time, unless members of a joint family household are transported. This prohibition does not apply to vehicles of legal entities used for transportation of employees, vehicles of media representatives and vehicles used for the needs of emergency services (health, police, armed forces, fire services, etc.).
It is also possible to transport passengers in internal maritime transport.
Carriers in road and maritime transport are obliged to apply prevention measures in accordance with the instructions of the Public Health Institute, as follows: all passengers must wear protective masks; it is not allowed to stand in the vehicle or vessel.

Normalisation of the health system

Consent was given for the beginning of the normalisation of the situation in the health system, as follows:

- The Clinical Centre of Montenegro and general and special hospitals and institutions in the health system network will ensure the gradual availability of specialist examinations for all patients;
- It will be ensured that all patients wear protective masks during their stay in the health institution (provided that the patient's clinical condition allows the wearing of mask and that the mask does not compromise the patient's respiratory function) and ensure respect for social distance of at least two meters between patients;
- A notice on valid temporary measures for prevention and control of the novel coronavirus will be prominently displayed in the health institution;
- Hand sanitizer will be provided to patients at the entrance/exit of the health institution;
- Implementation of the screening programme for colon cancer, breast cancer and cervical cancer will be postponed for the duration of the measures;
- Measures will be implemented in health centres that will enable rational and efficient use of human resources in the current epidemiological conditions;
- The point at health centre Tološi for patients suspicious of being infected with Covid-19 will continue to work; and
- Referral and transport of patients for treatment outside Montenegro will be provided, only in life-threatening cases.

Religious rites

Emphasising the fact that the ban on public gatherings is still in force, religious communities are allowed to perform religious services, with religious communities obliged to adapt their activities to the current epidemiological situation and to perform religious rites in religious facilities, as follows:

- To limit the number of persons who can be in a religious building at the same time during a religious rite – one person on 10 square meters, with the obligation to respect a social distance of at least two meters;
- To provide hand sanitizer at the entrance/exit of the religious facility;
- To prominently display, at the entrance of the religious facility, a notice on the maximum number of persons who can be inside the religious facility at the same time;
- Persons in a religious facility are obliged to wear protective masks, except for religious officials who participate in the performance of religious rites;
- Up to 20 persons may be present in an open space belonging to a religious facility, with the obligation to respect a social distance of at least two meters; and
- The responsible person in the religious facility ensures consistent compliance with the prescribed measures.

All the above measures approved by the National Coordination Body are valid from Monday.

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Podgorica, 4 May - The National Coordination Body for Communicable Diseases has approved amendments to the Ministry of Health's orders to allow the gradual start of sports activities, namely individual training without contact, then group training and finally organising competitions.
In accordance with the need for return to sports activities, the Public Health Institute of Montenegro, in cooperation with the Ministry of Sport and Youth, has developed the Interim National Guidelines governing the conditions for performing sports activities. The guidelines state, inter alia, that engaging in sports activities must not in any way endanger the health of the individual or the community, that all decisions to resume sports activities must be made with careful reference to the Interim Guidelines, and only after close consultation of national sports associations with the Public Health Institute, the Ministry of Sport and Youth and the National Coordination Body, that the health risks associated with mass gatherings are such that in the foreseeable future training sessions and all sports competitions should be organised without spectators, with the minimum support staff necessary to support the training and competitions and that the national sports associations, sports clubs, sports societies, athletes, professionals in sports organisations and the management of sports facilities are responsible for adherence to the Interim Guidelines.
Pursuant to the aforementioned, from 6 May are allowed activities that can be performed by one athlete or couple where a distance of at least 2m can always be maintained between participants. At this stage there is no contact between athletes and / or other staff, i.e. fitness training, physical exercise, etc. are allowed. A maximum of 8 to 10 people can be trained at a time, and the number of people in the training space must not exceed 12.
The second phase, which is due to start on 18 May, includes, in addition to the first phase, indoor and outdoor activities that can be performed in groups, but it is noted that for larger team sports, the possibility of splitting team into smaller groups should be considered during training when possible.
In the third phase, which is due to start on 1 June, competitions, tournaments and matches are allowed, but without the presence of the audience.
The National Coordination Body for Communicable Diseases took note of a memo from the Union of Free Trade Unions of Montenegro indicating cases of breach of a measure allowing parents, guardians, foster parents or adoptive parents of a child under the age of 11 paid leave of absence, with the exception of employees in certain sectors. The National Coordination Body decided to forward the memo to the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, which, in communication with the competent inspection of the Directorate for Inspection Affairs, would review the memo, give an adequate interpretation and take the necessary measures to comply with the Ministry of Health's order.
The National Coordination Body has decided that, given the more favourable epidemiological situation, the press conferences will be held on Tuesdays and Fridays at 5 p.m.

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Podgorica, 30 April - The National Coordination Body for Communicable Diseases has agreed to amend some orders and formulate binding instructions to enable, as announced, from Monday 4 May:

- Work of shops (textiles, footwear, technical consumer goods, construction material, craft workshops, services, hair and beauty salons, gyms and fitness centres, bookstores, dental offices, driving schools, rent-a-car services, museums and galleries, etc.);

- Taxi transport;

- Local public urban transport in local self-government units where the Public Health Institute has not registered cases of novel coronavirus; and

- Departure of citizens to houses/cottages and family farms in other local self-government units.

The new measures, which enter into force on the day of publication, and apply from 4 May, stipulate that the employer is obliged to provide the employees with a protective mask and disinfectant while working in the facilities, premises and vehicles. It has also been suggested that it is the responsibility of the employer to ensure consistent adherence to the measures by customer, service users and visitors.

Special obligations are prescribed for certain activities.

I Companies and entrepreneurs engaged in retail trade, including green markets, are obliged to:

  1. Provide hand sanitizers to customers when entering/leaving the facility, as recommended by the Public Health Institute of Montenegro.
  2. Limit the number of customers who can be in the facility at the same time - only one person on 10 square meters, while respecting the social distance of at least 2 m between customers, i.e. customers and employees.
  3. Control in larger retail outlets (markets, supermarkets, hypermarkets, etc.) the number of customers entering and leaving the facility, as well as to provide transparent plexiglass sheets/panels in order to separate the cashiers from the customers.
  4. Ensure that all employees, including green market vendors and customers, wear protective masks, in accordance with the guidelines of the Public Health Institute of Montenegro.
  5. Provide/mark a distance of at least 2 m between persons in front of retail outlets, at cash registers and in sectors where goods are served by employees in the retail outlet.
  6. Display, at the store entrance, a notice of prescribed temporary measures for the prevention and suppression of the novel coronavirus with instructions for their implementation.

II Companies and entrepreneurs engaged in artisanal activities, repair and maintenance of equipment, tools, appliances, motor vehicles, construction and agricultural machinery, technical inspection of vehicles are obliged to:

  1. Organise work in such a way that there can be only one customer on 10 m² of the facility surface, while respecting the social distance of at least 2 m between the customers, that is, the customer and the service provider.
  2. Provide hand sanitizers to customers when entering/leaving the facility.
  3. Wear a protective mask, both employees and customers.

III Companies and entrepreneurs providing hairdressing and beauty services are obliged to:

  1. Organise work in such a way that only one person on 10 m² or two persons can be in the facility at the same time, while respecting the social distance of at least 2 m between customers, and if this is not possible to provide a barrier between work chairs (of non-absorbent material at a height of at least 2 m).
  2. Provide hand sanitizers to customers when entering/leaving the facility.
  3. Employees and customers are obliged to wear a protective mask, and in the event that the customer is being shaved or having a face beauty treatment when the customer is not wearing the mask, the employee is obliged to wear a visor or goggles in addition to the protective mask, in accordance with the instruction of the Public Health Institute of Montenegro.

IV Companies and entrepreneurs providing fitness centre and gym services are obliged to:

  1. Organise work in such a way that only one person on 10 m² or two persons can stay in the facility at the same time, while respecting the social distance of at least 2 m between the customers.
  2. Provide hand sanitizers to customers when entering/leaving the facility.
  3. Employees are required to wear a protective mask, except during active training/exercise.
  4. Customers in fitness centres and gyms are obliged to disinfect with adequate disinfectant the surface and device when changing the exercise device, as well as to respect other measures, in accordance with the instruction of the Public Health Institute of Montenegro.

V Gambling organisers in betting shops and gambling houses are obliged to:

  1. Organise work in such a way that only one person can be in the facility (on 10 m²) at a time.
  2. Provide hand sanitizers to customers when entering/leaving the facility.
  3. Employees and players in these facilities are required to wear protective masks and respect the social distance of at least 2 m.
  4. The player in the gaming venue must use his pen.
  5. Players in the facility where the games of chance are organised are obliged to disinfect with adequate disinfectant the gaming machine and accessories, in accordance with the instruction of the Public Health Institute of Montenegro.

The work of casinos is still prohibited.

VI State authorities, state and local government bodies, banks, post offices and other legal entities are obliged to:

  1. Organise work with citizens so that only one person can be in the public office (on 10 m²) at a time, while respecting the social distance of at least 2 m between the users.
  2. Install a screen (made of transparent non-absorbent solid material) between the employee and the customer.
  3. To provide hand sanitizers to users when entering/leaving the facility.
  4. Ensure that employees and customers wear protective masks, in accordance with the instruction of the Public Health Institute.

VII Cultural institutions (libraries, archives, museums and galleries) are obliged to:

  1. Organise work in such a way that only one person can be in the facility (on 10 m²) at a time, while respecting the social distance of at least 2 m between the users.
  2. Provide hand sanitizers to customers when entering/leaving the facility.
  3. Ensure that employees and customers wear protective masks, in accordance with the instruction of the Public Health Institute.

VIII Dental practices are obliged to: 

  1. Organise work in such a way as to provide a system of mandatory patient scheduling.
  2. Ensure that only one patient can stay in the waiting room (on 10 m²) at a time, while respecting the social distance of at least 2 m between patients.
  3. Provide hand sanitizers to patients when entering/leaving the practice.
  4. Ensure that all employees follow work procedures and wear personal protective equipment, in accordance with the recommendations of the Public Health Institute and the Dental Chamber of Montenegro.

IX Owners of vehicles for the transport of passengers in local self-government units where there is no local transmission of the novel coronavirus are obliged to carry out transport only if they are implementing prevention measures (wearing protective masks, without enabling standing in the vehicle), in accordance with the instruction of the Public Health Institute of Montenegro.

The suspension of public passenger transport in intercity, suburban and urban bus and van transport is in effect, except for organised transport of employees. This prohibition does not apply to public urban and local suburban bus and van passenger transportation in local government units where there is no local transmission of the novel coronavirus.

X Taxi carriers providing services within the territory of the local self-government unit are obliged to:

  1. Provide services in such a way that there are no more than two persons in the vehicle, at the rear seat of the vehicle, while both customers and driver wear protective masks.
  2. The driver is obliged to disinfect the surfaces most commonly touched by passengers (door handles and interior doors and seats), in accordance with the instruction of the Public Health Institute of Montenegro.

XI Legal entities and entrepreneurs providing car rental services are obliged to:

  1. Organise work in such a way that there can be only one person in the facility (on 10 m²) where the vehicle is rented.
  2. Employees and customers must wear protective masks inside the facility.
  3. Provide hand sanitizers to customers when entering/leaving the facility.
  4. Disinfect the interior of the rental vehicle with disinfectants before the customer enters the vehicle, as well as after the customer returns vehicle, in accordance with the instruction of the Public Health Institute of Montenegro.

XII Legal entities that train drivers (driving schools) are obliged to:

  1. Organise work in such a way that there can be only one person in the rooms for theoretical instruction and rooms for passing the theoretical driving test (on 4 m² of the surface of the room).
  2. Provide hand sanitizers to customers when entering/leaving these premises.
  3. Employees and customers are obliged to wear protective masks, while respecting the social distance of at least 2 m.
  4. Driving schools are obliged to disinfect the interior of the vehicle with disinfectants before and after using the vehicles for the practical training of the candidates and passing the practical driving test, in accordance with the instruction of the Public Health Institute of Montenegro.

XIII Farmers and persons who own houses/cottages with land in other municipalities may go to their farm or house/cottage:

  1. Using appropriate certificate which can be downloaded from the Public Health Institute website. (The information filled in the certificate and the actual residence address will be subject to control.)
  2. Avoiding contact with other persons (except members of the family household).
  3. Respecting the social distance of at least 2 m when carrying out work on the farm.

XIV Persons holding a license for recreational and commercial fishing, or a vessel license, may go to the place where they are fishing, or in which they hold a vessel license.

  1. Persons holding these licenses are obliged to carry licence with them.

XV Public sector employees are required to wear protective masks while working indoors.

XVI Members of the joint family household shall be exempted from the prohibition of movement and loitering in public areas of more than one person, while respecting social distance of at least 2 m.

Considering the epidemiological situation, the National Coordination Body recommended that all employers, including the administration, enable the work of their employees from home whenever possible, since the epidemiological situation still does not require the return of all employees to their jobs.

State authorities in which there is a work obligation are recommended to provide shift work to all parents of children under 11 years of age.

Analysing the arrival of Montenegrin citizens from abroad, the National Coordination Body expressed its commitment to continue to enable organised return of our citizens. The National Coordination Body urged everyone not to embark on individual trips without coordination with our diplomatic missions and consular posts, since without coordination, crossing the border or entering Montenegro is not possible.

* * *

Podgorica, 28 April -  The National Coordination Body for Communicable Disease has agreed to extend the application of certain temporary measures to protect the health and life of citizens from infection with the novel coronavirus, as well as to supplement and amend individual measures.
Consent was given to the extension of measures by automaticity, given the fact that the individual measures have expired.
In accordance with the announced terms of mitigation of the application of individual measures, the existing measures will be modified or their application will be suspended.
The restriction of the number of citizens in the counters of regional units and branches of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and other state administration bodies continues until 4 May 2020. Independent of the surface, no more citizens can reside in the counter than the number of existing counters.

The following measures shall continue to apply until 18 May 2020:

Counter – COVID-19 measures that continue to apply until 18 May 2020 are the following:

1) ban on leaving the housing facility for citizens, from Monday to Friday, from 7pm to 5am the following day, and Saturday from 1pm to 5am on Monday. Exceptionally, for the duration of this ban, persons who take their pets out for a walk may stay in the public place for up to 60 minutes.
This prohibition does not apply to persons who carry out regular tasks in the activities allowed by orders, to employees in diplomatic and consular posts, to persons who provide services of public interest and who are an indispensable condition of life and work of citizens (health, inspection bodies, police, military, fire services, utilities, media - including persons coming to media shows, agricultural activities on farms, etc.), as evidenced by certificate issued by the employer, as well as to persons who take care for persons who, due to illness, condition or consequence of the injury, are incapable of performing daily life activities independently, as evidenced by the certificate issued by the chosen doctor of these persons.
2) ban on being outdoor in an open public place, from 5am to 7pm hours for children under the 12 years of age, without the presence of one parent, guardian, adoptive parent, breadwinner or other adult member of the family household, with the obligation to observe the prescribed distance measure from other persons for at least two meters;
3) prohibition of gathering in the residential facilities for persons who are not members of the common family household;
4) suspension of international passenger traffic, except for the arrival of Montenegrin nationals, through diplomatic and consular missions, announced to the Operational Staff of the National Coordination Body for Communicable Diseases, with mandatory quarantine accommodation, in accordance with the decision of the health and sanitary inspection;
5) ban on intercity passenger transport, except for passenger motor vehicles carrying out activities essential for the traffic of goods, supply and delivery of medicines, ambulance, utilities, supply of fuel and electricity, transportation of employees, transportation of persons residing outside the place of residence in order for them to return to a place of residence;
6) presence and loitering of more than one person in public places, except for a child under 12 years of age, a child with autism spectrum disorders and other disabilities and wheelchair users, with the presence of one parent, guardian, adoptive parent, foster, companion or other adult member of the family household. This prohibition does not apply to persons who perform their regular work tasks permitted by the orders.
7) ban on presence and loitering of more than two persons together in an open public place (sidewalks, squares, streets, parks, promenades, beaches, etc.), except for persons who perform their regular work tasks;
8) possibility of a chosen doctor to, at the request of the employee, extend the temporary incapacity to work up to 30 days (determined by the chosen team or the chosen doctor) and the temporary incapacity to work longer than 30 days (determined by the competent medical committee) until 30 April 2020;
9) obligation of legal and natural persons performing construction work to organise the work in a way that ensures respect for epidemiological measures, especially respecting the social distance between employees and other measures to provide protection and health at work;
10) obligation of pharmacies, food, beverage and hygiene facilities, specialised facilities for the sale of baby equipment, construction products, plant protection products and planting materials, animal nutrition and treatment products, agricultural machinery, and funeral equipment to organise working hours between 8am and 6pm, except delivery to the customer's address, which can be done during business hours, which the vendor points out in accordance with the regulations;
11) suspension of fee collection (in the amount of EUR 2) for citizens who ordered the issuance of birth certificates and certificates from the register of Montenegrin citizens at www.dokumenta.me;
12) ban on entry for foreigners, except for foreigners with permanent or temporary residence in Montenegro, foreign seafarers in transit who embark or disembark in the ports of Bar, Budva, Kotor, Luka Kumbor-Portonovi and Tivat (Gat I and Gat II), as well as foreigners who operate motor vehicles engaged in the traffic of goods, with special measures of health and sanitary control, and based on the decision of the health sanitary inspection;
The traffic of goods for the needs of Montenegro and transit remains smooth, with particular measures of health and sanitary supervision, but also the transit of foreign seafarers is carried out while taking the special measures of health and sanitary supervision, in accordance with the recommendations of the Public Health Institute of Montenegro.
13) Compulsory self-isolation for all Montenegrin citizens, as well as for foreigners who have permanent or temporary residence in Montenegro, who come from abroad, based on the decision of the health and sanitary inspection; 
Self-isolation means staying in family household, while the health status of this person, as well as all members of the household is monitored by the competent hygienic and epidemiological service, for 14 days.
14) ban on providing catering services in hotels, except for the registered guests;
15) closure of disco clubs/bars and nightclubs/bars;
16) closure of catering facilities - cafes, pubs, cafeterias, restaurants and bars, except catering facilities that deliver food and offer takeout, with a ban on guests to stay within the facilities;
17) the owners and tenants of restaurants and cafes are obliged to make the outdoor furniture inaccessible for use;
18) closure of children's playrooms;
19) closure of fitness centres;
20) closure of casinos, betting shops and gambling houses;
21) limiting the number of customers, based on the area of the retail outlet – only one person on 10 square meters. Regardless of the area, no more than 50 consumers are allowed to be in a retail outlet at the same time.
Exceptions are farmer's markets and bazaars, where the number of customers who can be in the facility at the same time is limited to 100;
22) responsible persons in trade facilities are obliged to maintain distance of at least 2 meters between people in front of the facility, cash registers or sectors where goods are served by employees;
23)  responsible persons in trade facilities are obliged to ensure for their employees the implementation of health and protection measures prescribed by the Institute for Public Health of Montenegro;
24) responsible persons in the trade facilities are obliged to display at the entrance of the facility notice on the maximum number of persons allowed to enter the facility at the same and to organise the implementation of this measure;
25) municipalities, the Capital City and the Old Royal Capital are obliged to identify, in cooperation with the municipal crisis staffs, potential facilities which would be used for the implementation of quarantine measures, in line with the Rulebook on closer conditions and methods for organising and implementing health surveillance and quarantine and the conditions that the quarantine facilities must meet (Official Gazette of Montenegro 13/20) and propose to the Ministry of Health for further quarantine determination procedure..

The following measures shall continue to apply until 1 June 2020:

1) suspension of public transport of passengers in international road, rail and air traffic except for irregular charter transport, organised for returning of Montenegrin nationals and foreign nationals back to their home country, with the consent of the National Coordination Body for Communicable Diseases;
2) obligation of state authorities, state administration bodies, local self-government bodies and local governments to consider expired personal documents issued after 2008 (identity card, passport and driver's license), held by citizens, on the basis of which they exercise their rights or fulfill their obligations before these authorities, as valid.
Certain measures have been amended or supplemented:
Measure: possibility of a chosen doctor to, at the request of the employee, extend the temporary incapacity to work up to 30 days (determined by the chosen team or the chosen doctor) and the temporary incapacity to work longer than 30 days (determined by the competent medical committee) until 15 May 2020 has be amended to read as follows: temporary incapacity to work up to 30 days (determined by the chosen team or the chosen doctor) and the temporary incapacity to work longer than 30 days (determined by the competent medical committee) until 15 May 2020
Measures prescribing the obligations of:
- state authorities, state administration bodies, local self-government bodies and local governments to consider expired personal documents issued after 2008 (identity card, passport and driver's license), held by citizens, on the basis of which they exercise their rights or fulfil their obligations before these authorities
- state authorities, state administration bodies, local self-government bodies and local governments are obliged to consider expired personal documents issued after 2008 (identity card, passport and driver's license), held by citizens, on the basis of which they exercise their rights or fulfil their obligations before these authorities, as valid until 1 June 2020.

There is a measure prescribing that during the interruption of work of educational institutions, one of the parents/guardians/foster parents/adoptive parents or a single parent of a child not older than 11 years of age shall be provided with the right to paid leave. Aside from the existing list of bodies included in this measure, the following are added to be covered by the measure: Tax Administration, Real Estate Directorate, State Treasury Directorate in the Ministry of Finance, namely employees working on the implementation of the Business and Employee Support Program in order to mitigate the negative effects of the new coronavirus epidemic enacted by the Government of Montenegro.

* * *

Podgorica, 25 April -  The National Coordination Body for Communicable Disease will, if the epidemiological situation continues to be under control, approve in the second phase of the interim relief planned for May 4:
1. Work of shops (textiles, footwear, technical consumer goods, construction material, craft workshops, services, hair and beauty salons, gyms and fitness centres, bookstores, dental offices, driving schools, rent-a-car services, museums and galleries, etc.);
2. Enabling visits to cottages in other municipalities;
3. City taxi transport, as well as local public city transport in municipalities where no cases of infection with the new coronavirus have been registered;
If we successfully pass through the second phase, the third phase will begin on 18 May and will include: the opening of restaurants, cafes, hotel terraces, beach bars, beaches and shopping malls.
If we successfully pass through that phase, the fourth phase would begin on 1 June, when road, rail and navigable city and intercity traffic would be established, with appropriate protection measures;

Achieving the set goals and mitigating the measures will depend, said Deputy Prime Minister and President of the National Coordination Body for Communicable Diseases Mr Milutin Simović, on the results of our entire society in meeting the six key criteria:

  1. To keep the spread of infection under control.
  2. Further significant testing, isolation and contact monitoring.
  3. Further special attention and care for health care institutions and homes for the elderly and other vulnerable categories,
  4. Establishment of clearly prescribed preventive measures at each workplace.
  5. Maximum reduction of the risk of virus introduction from other countries,
  6. Full involvement and engagement of citizens - because each individual has a key role in enabling the maintenance of a stable situation.


The President of the National Coordination Body for Communicable Diseases said that we were following the development of the situation both in regional and wider context because this problem demanded wider consideration.

* * *

Podgorica, 23 April – The National Coordination Body for Communicable Diseases has agreed to amend the orders of the Ministry of Health so that our marinas are allowed to open up, while complying with the measure of self-isolation, as well as boarding i.e. disembarkation of seafarers in Montenegrin ports.
Self-isolation of a foreign craft with crew, implies a berth in the port for 28 days, while the competent health institution will undertake measures of health and sanitary supervision, in line with recommendations of the Institute for Public Health of Montenegro, based on the decision of the health and sanitary inspection.
The charterer or the concessionaire of the nautical tourism port - marinas and commercial port opened for international traffic such as Bar, Budva, Kotor, the Port of Kumbor - Portonovi and Tivat (Gat I and Gat II), which is approved for admission of foreign crafts to self-isolation is obliged, based on the recommendations of the Institute for Public Health of Montenegro, to take measures to prevent the introduction into the country, suppress and prevent the transmission of the novel coronavirus.
The traffic of goods for the needs of Montenegro and transit remains smooth, with particular measures of health and sanitary supervision, but also the transit of foreign seafarers is carried out while taking the special measures of health and sanitary supervision, in accordance with the recommendations of the Institute for Public Health of Montenegro.
The National Coordination Body noted, analysing the effects of mitigation on some measures two days ago, that a certain level of relaxation of citizens was expected after a strict restriction, but also warned that the danger had not passed and that strict compliance with all temporary measures, above all measures of physical distance, is essential.

It has been estimated that, following the relaxation of certain measures, a particular danger is the fact that more contacts of younger and middle-aged citizens with the elderly have been observed, which poses a great danger primarily to senior citizens. The National Coordination Body appeals to avoid physical contact, especially with the elderly who are the most vulnerable segment of the population.

Observed contacts of children and their grouping for play or other reasons pose exceptionally high level of epidemiological risk. We urge parents and guardians to minimise mutual contacts of children.

The National Coordination Body recommends all citizens to wear protective masks on every occation - whether purchased i.e. homemade i.e. to cover their mouth and nose with a headscarf or scarf in the absence of masks, because this significantly reduces risk from spreading the infection of the novel coronavirus.

We seek understanding and partnership, as in the days of extremely restrictive measures. It is our shared responsibility, because the threat has not passed yet.

In the event of massive non-compliance with preventive measures, especially measures on physical distance, the National Coordination Body will consider tightening of measures, in order to protect the health and lives of citizens.

The National Coordination Body made a decision so journalist may attend, from tomorrow 24 April 2020, the regular press conferences in weekdays, starting at 17:00. 

With gratitude to the media for their high professionalism, responsibility and for understanding and accepting on-line questions conditioned by earlier level of epidemiological risk, the National Coordination Body decided to allow the usual work of journalists, convinced that the right of the media to freely and directly ask questions is one of the key freedoms of each society, whose restriction may only be resorted exceptionally and in as short a period of time as possible.

The fact that epidemiological risk still exists, requires the need to keep a minimum of technical staff, so only Radio and Television of Montenegro will continue to technically record and broadcast live the press conferences, and other media outlets will be able to receive the signal of Radio and Television of Montenegro i.e. YouTube channel of the Government of Montenegro and photos of the PR Centre, as before.

* * *


Podgorica, 21 April - The National Coordination Body for Communicable Diseases has agreed to ease some of individual temporary measures introduced for the protection of health and life of citizens.

Considering the epidemiological situation, it was decided, on the basis of the proposal of the Public Health Institute, that the prohibition of movement, which has been in force so far from 7 p.m. on weekdays, on Saturdays from 1 p.m. and on Sundays from 11 a.m. to 5 a.m. on the following day, to be valid in the future from 11 p.m. every day.

Consumer goods stores, which have so far been able to work part-time, can be open from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. on working days and Saturdays.

Consent was given to the exercise of individual sports and recreational physical activities in public places such as running, jogging, etc. with compulsory keeping of distance and compliance with all other preventive measures, especially physical distance.

Residents of Tuzi municipality have been suspended special measures and prohibitions so far, so that from the date the orders approved today by the National Coordination Body enter into force, the rules apply to the citizens of Tuzi as well as to citizens of all other Montenegrin municipalities. On that occasion, citizens of Tuzi can travel to Podgorica because Podgorica, Tuzi and Danilovgrad are treated as a single unit.

The National Coordination Body warns citizens that the danger has not passed and that it is necessary to strictly comply with all measures in force.

Podgorica, 16 April -  The National Coordination Body for Communicable Diseases has agreed to allow retail outlets to be opened on Saturday, 18 April, until 6 p.m.: pharmacies, food, beverage and hygiene facilities, specialized facilities for the sale of baby equipment, construction products, plant protection products and planting products, animal nutrition and treatment products, agricultural machinery and funeral equipment. At the same time, it was agreed that the measure banning the citizens to leave the dwelling should be implemented on Saturday, 18 April, from 7 p.m. instead from 1 p.m. 

The measure was taken acknowledging the increased need of citizens who will spend Easter holidays with their families and considering the epidemiological risk posed by crowded retail outlets.

At the same time, the National Coordination Body registered in stores across Montenegro that the obligation to wear protective equipment and the required social distance were not respected. Inspections are urged to enhance controls and sanctions, including the closure of facilities. A frequent occurrence of disregarding the prohibition of movement within the group was observed in Podgorica. We warn citizens that group gatherings and movements are a violation of orders and a high epidemiological risk.

The National Coordination Body, considering the implementation of the temporary measures and recommendations adopted, agreed, on the basis of the Proposal of the Public Health Institute, to extend several measures.

The following temporary measures for the protection of health and life of citizens have been extended until 2 May:

1) All cruisers and yachts are prohibited from entering into ports: Bar, Budva, Kotor, Kumbor – Portonovi port, Tivat (Gat I and Gat II) and Zelenika.

2) Gatherings of citizens in indoor and outdoor public places (public gatherings, public events, sports, political, religious, cultural and artistic, and private gatherings, ceremonies and events, in line with the law) are banned.

3) Ban on visiting persons who are in hospital treatment in health care institutions and persons accommodated in social and childcare institutions.

4) Ban on visiting persons deprived of their liberty and detainees, except for lawyers and court experts under the court decision and on visiting persons who are serving a prison sentence.

5) Suspension of work at public and private educational institutions. 

During closure, one of the parents/guardians/foster parents/adoptive parents or a single parent of a child not older than 11 years of age, shall be granted the right to paid absence, except for employees in the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Defence, the National Security Agency, the Ministry of the Interior, the Police Directorate, the Customs Administration, the Directorate for Food Safety, Veterinary and Phytosanitary Affairs, institutions for accommodation of persons in the field of social and child protection, the Directorate for Execution of Criminal Sanctions, protection and rescue services and other authorities and services, whose activities are assessed as necessary by the National Coordination Body for Communicable Diseases.

5a) Suspension of work of social-medical commissions of first instance in the social welfare institutions, in the field of social and child protection.

6) Closure of border crossings for passenger border traffic to: 

- Bosnia and Herzegovina: Šćepan Polje - Hum, the Plužine - Foča road; Šula – Vitina border crossing, the Pljevlja – Foča road; 

- Republic of Albania: Grnčar - Baškim, the Plav - Shkoder road; Sukobin – Murićani, the Ulcinj - Shkoder road;

- Republic of Croatia: Kobila - Vitina, the Herceg Novi - Vitina - Dubrovnik road;

- Republic of Serbia: Ranče - Jabuka, the Pljevlja – Prijepolje road and Vuče – Godova, the Rožaje – Tutin road.

7) Ban on traveling from Montenegro to 

- Japan, 

- France, 

- Germany, 

- Switzerland,

- Denmark,

- Austria;

8) Returners i.e. passengers in international traffic coming from 

- Japan,

- France,

- Germany,

- Switzerland,

- Denmark, 

- Slovenia, 

- Austria

must be placed under health and sanitary control.

9) The Property Administration to procure additional quantities of hygiene products, as well as means for disinfecting hands, workplaces and equipment, according to the priorities, primarily for the needs of educational institutions and health care institutions.

10) Suspension of public transport of passengers in international road, rail and air traffic except for irregular charter transport, organised for returning of Montenegrin nationals and foreign nationals back to their home country, with the consent of the National Coordination Body for Communicable Diseases.

11) Obligation of state authorities, state administration bodies, local self-government bodies and local governments to consider expired personal documents issued after 2008 (identity card, passport and driver's license), held by citizens, on the basis of which they exercise their rights or fulfill their obligations before these authorities, as valid. 

12) The number of citizens at the public service counters in the units and branches of the Ministry of the Interior and other state administration bodies is limited, so that the maximum number of citizens allowed cannot be higher than the number of existing public service counters, regardless of the room surface.

The National Coordination for Communicable Diseases has formed the Operational Staff for the Tourism Economy. It was decided that this staff should be composed of representatives of the Ministry of Sustainable Development in Tourism, the Ministry of Transport and Maritime Affairs, the National Tourism Organisation, the Airports of Montenegro, the Public Company Morsko dobro, the Montenegrin Tourism Association, the Police Directorate and the Chamber of Commerce of Montenegro. The aim of this staff is to assist Montenegrin tourism in overcoming the effects of the coronavirus pandemic.

The National Coordination Body agreed with the Decision of the Crisis Medical Staff that the equipment donated by the People's Republic of China, which is due to arrive in Montenegro tonight, should be sent to the Special Hospital for Orthopedics, Neurosurgery and Neurology "Vaso Ćuković" in Risan.

Podgorica, 15 April - The National Coordination Body for Communicable Diseases agreed to extend the application of multiple temporary measures adopted in last month and earlier this month, in order to protect the health and lives of citizens.

The temporary measures, whose application is extended until 30 April, are as follows:

1) prohibition for foreigners to enter the country, except foreigners with permanent or temporary residence in Montenegro and foreigners who operate motor vehicles used for traffic of goods.

The traffic of goods for the needs of Montenegro and for transit remains unhindered, with special measures of health and sanitary control; 

2) compulsory self-isolation for all Montenegrin nationals, as well as for foreigners who have permanent or temporary residence in Montenegro, who come from abroad, based on the decision of the health and sanitary inspection; 

Self-isolation means staying in family household, while the health status of this person, as well as all members of the household is monitored by the competent hygienic and epidemiological service, for 14 days;

3) ban on providing catering services in hotels, except for the registered guests

4) closure of disco clubs/bars and nightclubs/bars; 

5) closure of catering facilities - cafes, pubs, cafeterias, restaurants and bars, except catering facilities that deliver food and offer takeout, with a ban on the stay of guests in the facilities;

6) ban on providing shopping and catering services in shopping malls; 

7) closure of children's playrooms;

8) closure of fitness centres; 

9) closure of casinos, betting shops and gambling houses;

10) limiting the number of customers, based on the area of the retail outlet – only one person on 10 square meters. Regardless of the area, no more than 50 consumers are allowed to be in a retail outlet at the same time. 

Exceptions are farmer's markets and bazaars, where the number of customers who can be in the facility at the same time is limited to 100;

11) responsible persons in trade facilities are obliged to maintain distance of at least 2 meters between people in front of the facility, cash registers or sectors where goods are served by employees;

12) responsible persons in trade facilities are obliged to ensure for their employees the implementation of health and protection measures prescribed by the Institute for Public Health of Montenegro;

13) responsible persons in the trade facilities are obliged to display at the entrance of the facility notice on the maximum number of persons allowed to enter the facility at the same and to organise the implementation of this measure;

14) municipalities, the Capital City and the Old Royal Capital are obliged to identify, in cooperation with the municipal crisis staffs, potential facilities which would be used for the implementation of quarantine measures, in line with the Rulebook on closer conditions and methods for organising and implementing health surveillance and quarantine and the conditions that the quarantine facilities must meet (Official Gazette of Montenegro 13/20) and propose to the Ministry of Health for further quarantine determination procedure.

15) ban on leaving the housing facility for citizens, from Monday to Friday, from 7pm to 5am the following day, and Saturday from 1pm to 5am on Monday. Exceptionally, for the duration of this ban, persons who take their pets out for a walk may stay in the public place for up to 60 minutes. 

This prohibition does not apply to persons who carry out regular tasks in the activities allowed by orders, to employees in diplomatic and consular posts, to persons who provide services of public interest and who are an indispensable condition of life and work of citizens (health, inspection bodies, police, military, fire services, utilities, media - including persons coming to media shows, agricultural activities on farms, etc.), as evidenced by certificate issued by the employer, as well as to persons who take care for persons who, due to illness, condition or consequence of the injury, are incapable of performing daily life activities independently, as evidenced by the certificate issued by the chosen doctor of these persons.

16) ban on being outdoor in an open public place, from 5am to 7pm hours for children under the 12 years of age, without the presence of one parent, guardian, adoptive parent, breadwinner or other adult member of the family household, with the obligation to observe the prescribed distance measure from other persons for at least two meters; 

17) prohibition of sports and recreational activities in all public places; 

18) prohibition of gathering in the residential facilities for persons who are not members of the common family household. 

Podgorica, 13 April -  The National Coordination Body for Communicable Diseases agreed to mitigate the temporary measures introduced on 25 March in the Municipality of Tuzi.

The new Order, valid for seven days, enables:

  1. family member of a single household, whose members have not been issued a measure of self-isolation (have no detected cases of disease, or have not been in contact with confirmed cases of infectious disease COVID -19), can leave the facility for the purchase of food, medicines and other products necessary for daily consumption and perform other urgent tasks and activities (medical examinations, etc.), which has been implemented in the organisation of the Municipal Crisis Staff;
  2. operation of pharmacies and establishments where the trade of food, beverages, hygiene products, motor fuels, construction products, plant protection products and planting products, animal nutrition and treatment products, baby equipment, printing equipment, agricultural machinery and equipment and funeral equipment is carried out from 8:00 to 14:00, with the obligatory use of personal protective equipment of employees and provision of their physical distance, while performing their jobs;
  3. agricultural producers from the territory of the Municipality of Tuzi are allowed to carry out agricultural work on their own farms from 05:00 to 20:00, with the obligatory use of personal protective equipment and provision of their physical distance, while performing their jobs;

Citizens of the Municipality of Tuzi are prohibited from: 

  1. Leaving the housing facility from 15:00 to 05:00 on the following day and on Saturdays and Sundays, restrictions apply as for the citizens of other municipalities - on Saturdays the ban on moving from 13:00 and on Sunday from 11:00;
  2. Leaving the territory of the Municipality of Tuzi. 

Self-isolation is obligatory for persons who, based on the decision of the health-sanitary inspection, are assigned the measure of self-isolation for a period of time defined in by decision of this inspection.

Podgorica, 8 April -  The National Coordination Body for Communicable Deseases analysed the epidemiological situation in Montenegro and found that a significant increase of the number of citizens on the streets and in public places yesterday and today represents an unacceptable level of violation of orders and recommendations prescribing social distancing and staying in housing facilities. Therefore, the National Coordination Body decided to amend several temporary measures, so that new decisions would apply from tomorrow.

Amended orders and recommendations prohibit:

  1. presence and loitering of more than one person in public places, except for a child under 12 years of age, a child with autism spectrum disorders and other disabilities and wheelchair users, with the presence of one parent, guardian, adoptive parent, foster, companion or other adult member of the family household;

This prohibition does not apply to persons who perform their regular work tasks permitted by the orders.

  1. presence and loitering of persons on beaches (river, lake and sea), landscaped and unregulated bathing areas and picnic areas;
  2. leaving the residential premises from Sunday from 11 a.m. to Monday at 5 a.m.;

It is ordered:

  1. compulsory institutional isolation for persons who have been quarantined or self-isolated and are tested positive for the novel coronavirus, if they must be isolated from healthy persons and cannot be provided with self-isolation in family accommodation; for patients who have been hospitalized, have recovered and have no symptoms of the disease, but have not yet had two consecutive negative results from samples taken at intervals of 24 hours; as well as for persons who came from abroad and tested positive for the novel coronavirus in quarantine.

Institutional isolation means accommodation in a facility intended for self-isolation and the stay of persons who are tested positive for the novel coronavirus and who do not have symptoms of the disease, who do not require medical treatment but must be supervised by health care professionals, based on the decision of the sanitary inspection.

The National Coordination Body agreed to adopt the new Order ordering companies, other legal entities, or entrepreneurs who carry out the construction works and are responsible for the execution of construction works on the facility, i.e. for the execution of certain works:

  1. to put notice, in a conspicuous place on the construction site, on the temporary prevention and control measures for the novel coronavirus prescribed by this order;
  2. to ensure that all employees performing construction work, during their organised transportation to and from the construction site, as well as during their stay and work on the construction site (except during the mealtime), use personal protective equipment - masks and gloves;
  3. to prohibit all employees who carry out construction work on the construction site, during working hours, from leaving the construction site to procure food, etc.;
  4. to provide food delivery to employees performing construction work on the construction site;
  5. to ensure social distance during the organised transportation of employees from and to the construction site (bus or van);
  6. to organise work in several groups of 20 or less employees at larger construction sites (with 40 or more employees), bearing in mind that groups cannot be changed, while ensuring social distance at the construction site and avoiding to the greatest extent possible physical contact between these groups after leaving the construction site. This obligation also applies to the organisation of collective accommodation of employees, their transportation, area intended for food consumption at the construction site, the time distance when arriving at the construction site, which must prevent the merging of employees divided into groups;
  7. to organise the work of the principal, responsible and other engineers indoors in such a way as to provide greater social distance with the mandatory use of personal protective equipment - masks and gloves.

Failure to comply with the measures is subject to criminal liability, in accordance with Articles 287 and 302 of the Criminal Code of Montenegro.

Podgorica, 4 April -  The National Coordination Body for Communicable Diseases decided today at an emergency consultation session, in accordance with the recommendations of the Public Health Institute, that the competent institutions take urgent additional epidemiological measures in the Vrela Ribnička settlement, which includes 23 buildings.

The decision on self-isolation of residents in residential buildings was made after one resident of that settlement was referred to the Clinical Centre of Montenegro for hospital treatment last night. Numerous direct and indirect contacts were previously made in this densely populated community.

Alongside the introduction of additional epidemiological measures, an urgent procurement of food and personal hygiene products will be initiated for the citizens of this settlement.

The positive effect of these measures in Tuzi and in the village Biokovac in Bijelo Polje was taken into account in making today's decision.

The measures adopted have yielded results thanks to the support and understanding of the local population and the support of local self-governments. The National Coordination Body believes that with such an attitude of the residents of Vrela Ribnička and the strong support of the Capital City, this measure will have its full effect.

All measures have been taken to protect the health and lives of citizens in these local communities and beyond, and the effects so far confirm their full justification.

The National Coordination Body continuously monitors and analyzes the overall situation regarding the epidemic of the novel coronavirus (COVID 19).

 * * *

Podgorica, 2 April -  The National Coordination Body for Communicable Diseases, at today's session agreed to ease the measure adopted on Monday which bans citizens from leaving the housing facility on weekends.

At the suggestion of the Public Health Institute, and in accordance with the information provided by the relevant security services that the majority of citizens adhere to the prescribed temporary measures, including the ban on movement and gathering, and that individual offenses are sanctioned, the National Coordination Body gave consent to the Ministry of Health to immediately issue an Order amending the order to allow movement of citizens until 1:00 pm on Sunday with strict adherence to all other measures. The new order prohibits movement from Monday to Friday from 7 pm, and on Saturdays and Sundays from 1 pm until 5 am the next day.

Respecting the citizens' messages regarding the measures, the National Coordination Body urged the Police Directorate and other competent authorities to sanction any violation of orders.

Persons employed in foreign diplomatic missions and consular posts and persons caring for persons who, due to illness or injury, are unable to independently carry out daily life activities are added to the list of persons exempted from the prohibition of movement, as evidenced by the certificate issued by the chosen doctor of these persons.

The National Coordination Body has given approval to the Ministry of Health to extend until 17 April the application of temporary measures adopted in mid-March and published in the Official Gazette of Montenegro no. 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18/2020.

During the session, the National Coordination Body was informed about the first confirmed case of coronavirus in the settlement of Vrela Ribnička in Konik.

Considering the potential danger of further spread of the virus, the National Coordination Body, in accordance with the recommendations of the Public Health Institute, tasked the competent institutions to take urgent isolation measures and restrictions on movement outside the residential building where the infection was confirmed.

The National Coordination Body analysed the full involvement and commitment of local crisis staffs to prevent the spread of coronavirus. It was concluded that a meeting of the Operational Staff with presidents of all local staffs would be organised in the coming days with the aim of fully coordinating activities during the expected epidemic peak. 

A letter from the Council for Civilian Control of Police Work addressed to the Prime Minister was considered. The National Coordination Body noted that most of the recommendations concerning the protection of police officers in terms of providing them with protective equipment and supplies were already being implemented. The Police Directorate was advised to implement all recommendations at full capacity.

The National Coordination Body for Communicable Diseases also took notice of the Ombudsman's interest in disclosure of the list of persons in self-isolation. It was stated that the list was disclosed with the consent of the Agency for Protection of Personal Data and Free Access to Information, and that the National Coordination Body in not connected with other lists that appeared in the public as well as the contents of internet portals that published data on persons in self-isolation.

The National Coordination Body welcomed the support expressed by the Association of Youth with Disabilities and the Union of the Blind of Montenegro. With regard to the remarks made, that all information on the prevention of coronavirus is not accessible to the visually impaired, that some information remains unclear and incomprehensible to persons with rare disabilities as well as to those with intellectual disabilities, the National Coordination Body recommended that the competent institutions should create the preconditions to make the information adequately accessible to persons with disabilities as soon as possible.

Podgorica, 1 April - The National Coordination Body for Communicable Diseases has agreed to extend, until 15 April, the application of provisional measures, adopted on 15 March, with a fifteen-day deadline.

Provisional measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus and protect the health of citizens against coronavirus whose application has been extended are the following:

1) Prohibition of entry to foreigners, except to foreigners with permanent or temporary residence in Montenegro and foreigners who operate motor vehicles used for traffic of goods.

The traffic of goods for the needs of Montenegro and for transit remains smooth, with special measures of health and sanitary control; 

2) Compulsory self-isolation for all Montenegrin citizens, as well as for foreigners who have permanent or temporary residence in Montenegro, who come from abroad, based on the decision of the health and sanitary inspection; 

3) Ban on providing catering services in hotels, except for registered guests; 

4) Closing of disco clubs / bars and nightclubs / bars; 

5) Closing of catering establishments - cafes, pubs, cafeterias, restaurants and bars, except catering establishments that deliver food and allow food and meals to be taken over, with a ban on the stay of guests in the facilities themselves;

6) Ban on providing shopping and catering services in shopping malls; 

7) Closing of children's playrooms;

8) Closing of fitness centres; 

9) Closure of casinos, betting shops and gambling houses;

10) Limiting the number of customers, in relation to the area of the retail outlet, so that only one consumer can be located in ten square meters of the surface of the outlet. Regardless of the surface, no more than 50 consumers can reside in a retail outlet at a time. 

Exceptionally for markets and bazaars, the number of customers who can be in the facility simultaneously limits up to 100 consumers;

11) Obligation of responsible persons in trade establishments to provide or mark a distance, of at least two meters between persons located in front of retail outlets, at cash registers and sectors where goods are served by employees in the outlet;

12) Obligation of responsible persons in trade establishments to ensure for their employees the implementation of health and protection measures prescribed by the Institute for Public Health of Montenegro;

13) The obligation of the responsible persons in the trade establishments to indicate at the entrance to the sales facility the notification of the maximum number of persons, who can be in the same facility at the same time and to organise the implementation of this measure;

14) The obligation of municipalities, the Capital and the Old Royal Capital to identify, in cooperation with the municipal crisis staffs, potential facilities for the implementation of quarantine measures, in line with the Rulebook on closer conditions and methods for organising and implementation of health surveillance and quarantine and the conditions that the quarantine must meet (Official Gazette of Montenegro 13/20) and propose to the Ministry of Health for further quarantine determination procedure.


Podgorica, 30 March 2020 - The National Coordination Body for Communicable Diseases has adopted multiple temporary measures to protect the health and lives of citizens and voiced its determination to implement all measures without exception.

The provisional measures, which are valid for fifteen days counting from tonight, after the order enters into force, as published in the Official Gazette of Montenegro, are:

1) ban on leaving the housing facility for citizens, from Monday to Friday, from 7pm to 5am the following day, and Saturday from 1pm to 5am on Monday. Exceptionally, for the duration of this ban, persons who take their pets out for a walk may stay in the public place for up to 60 minutes. This prohibition does not apply to persons who carry out regular tasks and provide services of public interest, and are an indispensable condition of life and work of citizens (health, inspection bodies, police, military, fire services, utilities, media - including persons coming to media shows, agricultural activities on farms, etc.), as evidenced by a certificate issued by the employer; 

2) ban on being outdoor in an open public place, from 5am to 7pm hours for children under the 12 years of age, without the presence of one parent, guardian, adoptive parent, breadwinner or other adult member of the family household, with the obligation to observe the prescribed distance measure from other persons for at least two meters; 

3) prohibition of sports and recreational activities in all public areas; 

4) prohibition of gathering in the facilities of accommodation for persons who are not members of the common family household. 

Failure to comply with the measures is subject to criminal liability, in accordance with Art. 287 and 302 of the Criminal Code of Montenegro.

The National Coordination Body for Communicable Diseases noted that the orders were not being followed to the requisite extent, and that our country was at a turning point in the pandemic, which will define the further course. Experience and profession tell us that we must further improve the respect for orders and the responsibility of everyone - citizens and institutions. Unfortunately, in such situations, there is no second chance, it was concluded at the session.

There is united view that the decisions taken are responsible and a determination was expressed for the measures to be implemented to the end, in the belief that citizens will understand and respect them.

Unless we are all determined to invest together in health, we will have to invest much more in rehabilitation of the consequences, and unfortunately, there will be losses of human lives, which are impossible to recover, it was concluded at a session of the National Coordination Body.

Due to approaching a tipping point, the decision was made on holding two daily press conferences starting at 09:00 and 17:00, in order to ensure all media, to receive all relevant information, in a timely manner and under the same conditions. 


Podgorica, 22 March 2020 - The National Coordination Body for Communicable Diseases decided to prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus infection and to protect the population from this infectious disease by requiring all religious communities to adapt their activities to the current epidemiological situation and to conduct religious services in religious facilities without the presence of citizens.

The decision was made on the basis of a report by the relevant security services according to which only today 1,350 people attended religious ceremonies throughout Montenegro, as well as on the basis of the epidemiologists' estimates that these gatherings present the greatest epidemiological risk at the moment. If at one of the religious gatherings only one person was a transmitter, Montenegro would face an uncontrolled spread of the virus.

From the hygiene point of view, and especially from the epidemiological point of view in these circumstances, an extremely problematic part of the religious rituals has been shown today in the media in which more persons took part in symbolic consumption of food using the same cutlery (spoon).

The National Coordinating Body for Communicable Diseases stresses that it is not a matter of closing religious facilities since they remain open to priests, but that the measure obliges religious communities to perform rituals and other activities without the presence of citizens.

Faced with the new challenge of spreading the epidemic, the National Coordination Body, whose primary priority is protection of public health, insists on consistently obeying all orders, emphasising in particular the measures adopted two days ago, which include banning wedding gatherings and conducting funerals with immediate family only.

At today's session, the National Coordination Body reiterated its strong commitment that disclosing the identity of persons in self-isolation is necessary in a situation where Montenegro unfortunately faced an unacceptable number of violations of decisions on self-isolation at home.

Tragic experiences around the world show that people get infected and die from coronavirus mostly because of the lack of discipline. We point out that no one, because of his or her lack of discipline, has the right to endanger others. The task of every citizen is to be disciplined and to urge, encourage and admonish others to be disciplined.

The National Coordinating Body advises that everyone is welcome to help and contribute to the efforts to preserve the health of the nation. In the days that follow, every hand of support is welcome. Therefore, we urge that we continue together, at full strength. The common goal must be to protect as many lives of Montenegrin citizens as possible.


Podgorica, 21 March 2020 - With a view to protecting citizens and preventing the further spread of coronavirus in Montenegro, while noting the high level of population risk associated with gatherings at weddings and funerals, the National Coordination Body for Communicable Diseases has decided to adopt temporary measures: banning wedding gatherings and funerals will be conducted with immediate family only.

The decision was published late last night in the Official Gazette of Montenegro and is already in force.

We urge once again citizens to strictly and without exception adhere to all the prescribed measures because it is in their interest, interest of their families and the whole society.

The National Coordination Body amended a previous Order stipulating that two adults can be in a passenger vehicle at the same time by exempting from this prohibition vehicles of legal entities carrying employees, vehicles of media representatives and vehicles used for needs of emergency services (health, police, military, fire service, etc.).

* * *

Podgorica, 19 March 2020 - The Ministry of Health imposed three new temporary measures to protect the population from the further spread of coronavirus:

1) The Health and Sanitary Inspection and the Police Directorate are tasked to monitor, to the maximum extent possible, activities of all persons who have been ordered a self-isolation, their household members, as well as persons who brought them from the border crossing to their place of residence.

If they find that these persons do not act in accordance with the imposed measure, the Health Sanitary Inspection and the Police Directorate will immediately file a criminal complaint with the competent state prosecutor's office for committing a criminal offense of failing to comply with the health regulations for the control of a dangerous contagious disease, for which imprisonment of up to one year is prescribed;

2) It is prohibited to transport more than two adults in a passenger vehicle at the same time;

3) The owners and tenants of restaurants and cafes are obliged to make the outdoor furniture inaccessible for use.

The Order to amend yesterday's Order was passed by exempting shops selling "baby equipment, print media, agricultural machinery and equipment and funeral equipment".

* * *

The National Coordination Body for Communicable Diseases and the highest representatives of the judiciary agreed that in order to protect citizens and the entire society from the continued spread of coronavirus, the strictest sanctions laid down by the law, should be continually applied to all individuals and legal persons who violate the orders of the Ministry of Health, especially to individuals who do not comply with self-isolation solutions.

* * *

Podgorica, 18 March 2020 - The Ministry of Health have passed today, following a session of the National Coordination Body for Communicable Diseases, an order on new temporary measures to protect citizens against the spread of coronavirus, as well as multiple recommendations.

Temporary measures are imposed to prevent carrying in the infectious diseases into the country, suppressing and preventing the transmission to other countries, as well as protecting the population against the novel coronavirus, namely:

1) ensuring regular work and provision of services by legal entities established by state or local self-government, which perform tasks of public interest and are irreplaceable condition for life and work of citizens;

2) ban on the operation of commercial facilities, except pharmacies and facilities where food, beverages, hygiene products, motor fuels, construction products, plant protection products and planting products, animal nutrition and treatment products are traded;

3) suspension of taxi services;

4) making stocks of protective equipment and disinfectants owned by wholesale drug stores available to the public health system of Montenegro, with financial compensation at market prices;

5) modification of the health system functioning when providing health services, as follows:

- to provide specialist examinations for emergency patients based on the proposal of the chosen doctor with the label "urgent" at the Clinical Centre of Montenegro, general and specialised hospitals, as well as institutions in the Health System Network. Pre-scheduled specialist examinations will be performed once epidemiological conditions are met;

- to provide all medical services on a continuous basis for haematology/oncology patients at the Clinical Centre of Montenegro according to the established schedule;

- to delay screening programmes for colon, breast and cervical cancer while measures last; 

- to suspend the operation of dental practices, with the obligation to arrange on-call emergency services for emergency patients;

- to oblige all community health centres to implement measures that will allow the rational and efficient use of human resources under current epidemiological conditions;

- to oblige the Health Centre Podgorica to open a checkpoint for patients "suspected of infection with COVID 19" in the Tološi-based health facility;

- to provide referral and transportation of patients for treatment outside Montenegro, only in life-threatening cases;

6) allowing pharmacies to deliver medicines and medical supplies to the home address of citizens with restricted movement. Delivery may be made for medicines and medical supplies that meet the requirements for retail trade. The pharmacy performing the delivery is obliged to keep records in accordance with the provisions of the Law on Pharmaceutical Activity;

7) due to epidemiological risk, it is forbidden to organise delivery of groceries and medicines to home addresses without the consent of the Operational Staff of the National Coordinating Body for Communicable Diseases; 

8) the community police officer is also authorised to file criminal charges for determining criminal liability for failure to comply with the provisions of orders on temporary measures to suppress and prevent transmission of a novel coronavirus relating to:

- ban on providing catering services in hotels, except for registered guests;

- closure of disco clubs/bars and nightclubs/bars;

- closure of catering facilities - cafes, cafeterias, restaurants and bars, except catering facilities that deliver food and takeaway caterings, while guests' stay in these facilities is prohibited;

- closure of shopping malls;

- ban on gathering of the population in indoor and outdoor public areas (public gatherings, public events, sports, political, religious, cultural and artistic, private gatherings, ceremonies and events, in accordance with the law);

- closure of children's playrooms;

- closure of fitness centres;

- closure of indoor and outdoor sports and recreational facilities and swimming pools;

- closure of casinos and bookmakers;

- suspension of public transport of passengers (suburban and urban) by bus and van;

- closure of hair and beauty salons;

- ban on the operation of commercial facilities, except pharmacies and facilities where food, beverages, hygiene products, motor fuels, construction products, plant protection products and planting products, animal nutrition and treatment products are traded;

- suspension of taxi services.

It is emphasised that non-compliance with the measures is subject to criminal liability, in accordance with Art. 287 and 302 of the Criminal Code of Montenegro.

The Ministry of Health recommends that chronic patients and persons over the age of 65 don't leave their homes in order to prevent the spread of the coronavirus and to protect citizens.

Citizens who do not have compulsory work engagement are urged not to leave their homes, unless necessary.

It is recommended that the Red Cross of Montenegro should provide food, medicines, hygiene products and other necessities for disabled persons, pensioners, the elderly and chronic patients, unless they have other options and support for these needs.

Citizens are advised not to carpool, unless those are persons with whom they live in a shared household.

In view of the significant number of donors that express their willingness to assist the state's efforts to combat the coronavirus, the National Coordination Body welcomed the noble intentions and invited all interested entities to communicate with the National Coordination Body via email CoronaInfoCG@gov.me.

Giro accounts are open for donations - for payments in the country 510-117161-85, and for payments from abroad: Intermediary bank RAIFFEISEN ZENTRALBANK OESTERREICH AG VIENNA, SWIFT RZBAATWW, Account with Institution Party Identifier 000-55.062.301, Swift Address CKBCMEPG, Name CRNOGORSKA KOMERCIJALNA BANKA AD PODGORICA, Beneficiary Customer VLADA CRNE GORE Nacionalno koordinaciono tijelo za zarazne bolesti, Karađorđeva b. b. 81000, Podgorica, MONTENEGRO, IBAN: ME25510000000011716185.

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 Flicker      Session of the National Coordination Body for Communicable Diseases, 18 March 2020

* * *

Podgorica, 17 March 2020 - New measures ordered; New recommendations to protect citizens against coronavirus published

The Ministry of Health issued an order earlier today, following a session of the National Coordination Body for Communicable Diseases, to take a new set of precautionary measures, in order to protect citizens from the spread of coronavirus and make more recommendations to the state administration, industry and the media. 

Precautionary measures are ordered to prevent the introduction of infectious diseases into the country, suppress and prevent the transmission to other countries and protect the population from the novel coronavirus, namely:

  1. Public transport of passengers (suburban, urban and intercity) by buses and vans is suspended;
  2. Public transport of passengers by rail in domestic traffic is suspended;
  3. The crossing of the border crossings Sitnica - Župci (HN - Trebinje road), Meteljka - Metaljka (PV - Čajniče road) and Čemerno (PV - Priboj road) is suspended;
  4. The operation of indoor and outdoor sports and recreational facilities and swimming pools is prohibited;
  5. Hair and beauty salons shall be closed;
  6. The public offices of the Ministry of the Internal and the Real Estate Administration shall be closed.

It is recommended to:

  1. Refrain from using public areas;
  2. Follow rigorous hygiene measures, especially of hands;
  3. Postpone weddings, burials should be held in a narrow family circle;
  4. The shops to dedicate the first two hours of opening to the elderly and persons with disabilities;
  5. The state institutions, local self-government and the economy to work closely with the National Coordination Body when communicating with public.
  6. The media to seek information regarding the COVID19 and to check information with the National Coordination Body prior publication.

* * *

Podgorica, 15 March 2020 - Pursuant to the Law on the Protection of Population against Infectious Diseases, the Ministry of Health has ordered, upon the proposal of the Public Health Institute, taking temporary measures for preventing, carrying in the country, suppressing and preventing transmission of coronavirus.

Temporary measures are the following:

1) Prohibition of entry to foreigners, except to foreigners with permanent or temporary residence in Montenegro and foreigners who operate motor vehicles used for traffic of goods;

The traffic of goods for the needs of Montenegro and for transit remains smooth, with special measures of health and sanitary control; 

2) Compulsory self-isolation for all Montenegrin citizens, as well as for foreigners who have permanent or temporary residence in Montenegro, who come from abroad, based on the decision of the health and sanitary inspection; 

3) Ban on providing catering services in hotels, except for registered guests; 

4) Closing of disco clubs / bars and nightclubs / bars; 

5) Closing of catering establishments - cafes, pubs, cafeterias, restaurants and bars, except catering establishments that deliver food and allow food and meals to be taken over, with a ban on the stay of guests in the facilities themselves;

6) Ban on providing shopping and catering services in shopping malls; 

7) Closing of children's playrooms;

8) Closing of fitness centres; 

9) Closure of casinos, betting shops and gambling houses;

10) Limiting the number of customers, in relation to the area of the retail outlet, so that only one consumer can be located in ten square meters of the surface of the outlet. Regardless of the surface, no more than 50 consumers can reside in a retail outlet at a time. 

Exceptionally for markets and bazaars, the number of customers who can be in the facility simultaneously limits up to 100 consumers;

11) Obligation of responsible persons in trade establishments to provide or mark a distance, of at least two meters between persons located in front of retail outlets, at cash registers and sectors where goods are served by employees in the outlet;

12) Obligation of responsible persons in trade establishments to ensure for their employees the implementation of health and protection measures prescribed by the Institute for Public Health of Montenegro;

13) The obligation of the responsible persons in the trade establishments to indicate at the entrance to the sales facility the notification of the maximum number of persons, who can be in the same facility at the same time and to organise the implementation of this measure;

14) The obligation of municipalities, the Capital and the Old Royal Capital to identify, in cooperation with the municipal crisis staffs, potential facilities for the implementation of quarantine measures, in line with the Rulebook on closer conditions and methods for organising and implementation of health surveillance and quarantine and the conditions that the quarantine must meet (Official Gazette of Montenegro 13/20) and propose to the Ministry of Health for further quarantine determination procedure.

The measures shall apply from the publication in the Official Gazette of Montenegro, for a period of 15 days.

Specific cases, which are the subject of interstate cooperation and the need of special state interest, and particularly for public health purposes, will be considered and decided by the National Coordination Body for Communicable Diseases.

Failure to comply with the measures referred to in Article 1 of this Decree, shall be subject to criminal liability, in accordance with Art. 287 and 302 of the Criminal Code of Montenegro.

* * *

Podgorica, 13 March 2020 - The following measures have been adopted upon the proposal of the Public Health Institute:

Pursuant to Article 55, paragraph 1, items 2, 4 and 9 of the Law on the Protection of Population against Infectious Diseases (Official Gazette of Montenegro 12/18), the Ministry of Health has ordered taking temporary measures for preventing, carrying in the country, suppressing and preventing transmission of coronavirus.

The temporary measures adopted upon the proposal of the Public Health Institute are:

1) Prohibition of entry for all cruisers and yachts into ports: Bar, Budva, Kotor, Kumbor - Portonovi port, Tivat (Gat I and Gat li) and Zelenika, until 2 April 2020;

2) Prohibition of landing and take-off for aircraft of "Freebird Airlines,", which is not a regular air carrier, at Podgorica Airport and Tivat Airport for the period from 13 to 19 March 2020;

3) Prohibition of gathering of population in indoor and outdoor public places, public gatherings, public events, sports, political, religious, cultural and artistic, private gatherings, ceremonies and events, in line with the law;

4) Prohibition of visits to persons undergoing hospital treatment in health care institutions and persons accommodated in social and child care institutions;

5) Prohibition of visits to persons deprived of their liberty and detainees, except for lawyers and court experts, at the discretion of the court, and prohibition of visits to persons who are serving a sentence, except lawyers and court experts, by order of the court;

6) Discontinuation of educational work in public and private educational institutions, for at least 15 days, starting on 16 March, 2020. During the discontinuation of this work one of the parents / guardians / foster parents / adoptive parents or a single parent of a child not older than 11 years, shall be provided with paid absence from work, except for employees in the health sector;

7) Closure of border crossings for passenger border traffic:

- to the Bosnia and Herzegovina: Šćepan Polje - Hum, on the Plužine - Foča road; on the Šula – Vitina border crossing, on the Pljevlja – Foča road;

- to the Republic of Albania: Grnčar - Baškim, on the Plav - Shkoder road; Sukobin – Murićani, on the Ulcinj - Shkoder road;

- to the Republic of Croatia: Kobila - Vitina, on the Herceg Novi - Vitina - Dubrovnik road,

- and to the Republic of Serbia: Ranče - Jabuka, on the Pljevlja – Prijepolje road and Vuče - Godova on the Rožaje – Tutin road.

8) Prohibited travel from Montenegro to:

- Japan,

- France,

- Germany,

- Switzerland,

- Denmark and

- Austria

9) Placing under the sanitary supervision of returnees / passengers in international traffic from:


- France,

- Germany,

- Switzerland,

- Denmark

-Slovenia and

- Austria

10) The Property Administration to procure additional quantities of hygiene products, as well as means for disinfecting hands, workplaces and equipment, according to the priorities, primarily for the needs of educational institutions and health care institutions.

It is noted that failure to comply with the measures of this order is subject to criminal liability, in line with Articles 287 and 302 of the Criminal Code of Montenegro.

The Ministry of Health recommends:

  1. Owners, managers and tenants of shopping malls, large retail chains and retail establishments, catering facilities, sports and recreational facilities and swimming pools, playrooms for children and similar facilities, to implement measures, aimed at preventing citizen gatherings in a restricted area; Consumers and users of these facilities to avoid crowds and gatherings in a confined space;
  2. State authorities, state administration authorities, authorities of local self-government and local government, companies, public institutions and other legal entities, entrepreneurs and individuals who carry out a certain activity, to establish for the jobs for which the work process permits the performance of tasks within their competence i.e. activities from home. In doing so, they should determine the jobs for which it is possible to perform work from home and persons performing these tasks, which, due to their health and other circumstances, should not be exposed to the risk of becoming ill, the way of communication of employees performing tasks from home, the way to maintain meetings that are in the function of performing tasks within the competence and activity (telephone, online ...);
  3. Special regime of work of health care institutions during the next period, which will enable adequate functioning of the health care system, especially institutions at the secondary and tertiary level of health care.
  4. Health care users to delay review, which they can delay, while these measures are lasting.
  5. Market entities are warned not to abuse the current situation for making extra profits, especially on the occasion of marketing and selling basic food products, personal hygiene products, maintaining room hygiene, medicines and medical devices. Competent inspections, and in particular market inspections are advised to strengthen inspections on the implementation of this measure.


Podgorica, 11 March - National Coordination Body for Communicable Diseases – Temporary measures:

Travel ban from Montenegro to the most affected areas and countries by the novel coronavirus, which currently includes:

1) Italy;
2) Spain;
3) South Korea;
4) Iran and
5) China – Hubei province.

The list of countries where travel is prohibited is not conclusive and will change, as the epidemiological situation changes.
Civil servants and state employees employed in state authorities, state administration authorities, administrative authorities, and officials and state employees employed by local self-government authorities are prohibited from traveling abroad.
Civil servants and state employees may make exceptional trips abroad, when traveling is of state interest, with the prior consent obtained from the head of authority.

Prohibition for foreign nationals coming from countries affected by epidemic of contagious disease caused by the novel coronavirus namely:

1) Italy;
2) Spain;
3) South Korea;
4) Iran and
5) China – Hubei province to enter Montenegro.

The list of countries temporarily prohibited from coming is not conclusive and will change in line with the epidemiological situation.

Citizens of Montenegro who happened to be in transit and who are returnees from Italy, Spain, South Korea, Iran, and China – Hubei province shall be placed in home isolation under the active supervision and movement restriction, which includes accommodation in the family facility with monitoring of the health conditions, carried out by competent epidemiological service for a period of 14 days.

Competent epidemiological service will monitor the health conditions of all household members.

Non-compliance with this measure is subject to legal liability.

Arrangement of all pupils and student tours, excursions, educational meetings, etc. abroad is prohibited, in order to prevent the infection with novel coronavirus, introduction of the contagious disease in Montenegro and spread to other countries.

The prohibition in paragraph 1 is temporary, while there is a risk of infection with the novel coronavirus.

Ban on the sports events maintenance with the presence of the audience.

Conducting of national and international sporting events will be held without the presence of the audience.

Teams from the most affected areas are prohibited from eventual arriving until further notice.

Tightened border controls will be carried over passengers in international traffic arriving from countries with detected cases, without the widely established local COVID-19 transmission.

The Property Administration and the competent services of local self-government units are in charge to procure, on the urgent basis, additional quantities of hygiene products, means for the disinfection of hands, work space and equipment for the needs of state authorities, state administration bodies, administrative authorities and the local self-government.

Procurement should be carried out in line with the recommendations of the Institute for Public Health of Montenegro. * * *

Podgorica, 28 February - National Coordination Body for Communicable Diseases – Temporary measures:

Flights from Montenegro to the north of Italy, i.e. to Milan and Bologna, areas affected by the novel coronavirus epidemic and passengers from that destinations are temporarily prohibited from entering Montenegro.