Wednesday, 31 October 2018 17:54

Meeting Mr Nimanbegu - Mr Orav

Vice President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Genci Nimanbegu today has received Ambassador Mr Aivo Orav. The occasion for holding this meeting was the adoption of the Decision on the forming of the Committee on further reform of electoral and other legislation.

Ambassador Orav welcomed the establishment of the temporary parliamentary committee, stressing it has an ambitious agenda ahead that is important for Montenegro's EU path. He said that the scope of work of the temporary parliamentary committee is based on the proposal made by two opposition parties in June, and emphasised the importance of Commissioner Hahn's message  "encouraging all parliamentary parties to take active and constructive part in the work of this parliamentary body, and keep its important tasks in focus, with a view to bringing Montenegro closer to the European Union".
Vice President Nimanbegu voiced his deep respect and satisfaction with the engagement of Ambassador Orav and Commissioner Hahn, as well as their help during this entire process. He welcomed the fact that the Decision on the forming of the Working Group was supported by two thirds of MPs, expecting that the results would contribute to the overall development of democratism in the Montenegrin society.

Furthermore, he informed the Ambassador on the meeting of leaders of Albanian parties in Montenegro held with regard to the electoral legislation reform, and has two goals: 1) the harmonising of electoral legislation requests of Albanians aimed at authentic representation of Albanians in Montenegro and 2) the beginning of mutual dialogue of Albanian political parties in Montenegro, as a prerequisite for improving the state of Albanians.