Thursday, 26 October 2017 11:13

Mr Brajović at the Conference of Parliament Speakers of Western Balkan Countries


President of the Parliament of Montenegro, Mr Ivan Brajović, will participate at the Eighth Conference of Parliament Speakers of Western Balkan Countries, which will be held tomorrow (27 October) in Budapest.

President Brajović will have an introductory speech at the session "Security Dimension of the Western Balkans - Cooperation: Contribution to the Security of Europe"

During his stay in Hungary, President Brajović will hold bilateral meetings with presidents of several parliaments of countries of Western Balkans.

On the eve of the Conference, the meeting will be held at the Embassy of Montenegro in Budapest, with heads of seven diplomatic missions that represent Montenegro on non-residential basis from Hungary.

Conference of Parliament Speakers of Western Balkan Countries is an initiative that is being held every two years under the auspices of the Hungarian Parliament, with the aim of contributing to the strengthening of the perspective of European integration and strengthening of security and good neighborly relations in the region.

Montenegro has been represented from Hungary by heads of diplomatic missions of Georgia, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Pakistan, Thailand and the Philippines on non-residential basis.