Thursday, 23 November 2017 14:26

President of the Parliament with resident ambassadors on the first year of the 26th Convocation of the Parliament

- With committed and dedicated work of all representatives of citizens who participate in the work of the Parliament, we have achieved greater efficiency, there is no backlog of reports that are to be considered, there is no single “pending” proposal for the law, and sittings are regularly held where the prime minister and ministers answer to parliamentary questions – the President of the Parliament of Montenegro, Mr Ivan Brajović, said, among other things, during a meeting with heads of resident diplomatic missions in Podgorica.

The President of the Parliament presented the current and announced future activities related to raising the efficiency of the parliamentary service, which should respond adequately to the challenges of the modern functioning of the parliament in the 21st century.

Speaking of the selective non-participation of the opposition in the work of the Parliament, President Brajović made numerous indications that the ruling majority has used in showing responsibility with the desire for a full parliamentary composition and a good will towards the opposition MPs, but he also concluded:

- We are ready to talk openly in the best interest of citizens about all issues, but we cannot accept unreasonable blackmails which are essentially aimed at concealing their unwillingness for dialogue. In addition, since the constitution of the 26th Convocation, it is noticeable that the opposition is totally disunited when it comes to their political attitudes. I resolutely reject the request to repeat the elections and by that disown the legal system of Montenegro and delegitamise the institutions of the system. It is our obligation to justify the trust of citizens, by constantly improving the work of state institutions. The challenges will always exist, but I am certain that Montenegro and its parliament as a mirror of society, are ready to threat them with full respect and representation of all its diversity.

At the very beginning of the meeting, the doyen Mr Vincenzo Del Monaco, the Ambassador of the Italian Republic to Montenegro, addressed the ones present on behalf of the diplomatic corps in Montenegro, and pointed out that Montenegro was a respected country, a country with the support of the international community and a country worth staying in. Speaking about parliamentary elections, the Italian Ambassador said:

- The final report of the observation mission, among other things, recommended a set of measures and a change in norms, in order to further improve standards that already in October 2016 were at the level which is more than appropriate. Great turnout at the elections also confirms complete and rational trust in Montenegrin democracy, which is celebrating the tenth anniversary of its Constitution this very year.

- I cannot be silent about the fact that the ongoing boycott of parliamentary work, complete or selective - depending on the parties, is the reason for frequent queries and reflection within the diplomatic corps. Refraining from participating in parliamentary works - albeit your numerous and sincere appeals - despite not preventing the functioning of the Parliament - has nevertheless narrowed down the natural dialectics among the political forces – Ambassador Monaco stressed.

Speaking about the international reputation of Montenegro, the Italian ambassador said that "under the watchful eye of my colleagues present here, I think that I can state that there is general consent and general support to the European perspective of Montenegro", and stressed that the current year had been rich with results and not so small challenges - both internal and external, wuth the role of the Parliament of Montenegro of crucial importance in this regard.

- The visits you received, as well as those you made abroad, have left a mark, both in terms of the depth and accuracy of the analysis of the national and regional scene that you offered to your prominent interlocutors, and because of your relationship to sublime, noble values and democratic principles, without bias and with full respect of even completely different political opinions – the Italian Ambassador said.

The Vice President of the Parliament, Mr Branimir Gvozdenović, also took part in the talks with heads of diplomatic missions, who were particularly interested in the activities of the Working Group, who with concrete examples pointed to the full transparency and efficiency of the work of this parliamentary body, as well as the indirect participation of the opposition in its work.


Introductory remarks by President of the Parliament of Montenegro, Mr Ivan Brajović, at the meeting with heads of residential diplomatic missions on the anniversary of the constitution of the 26th Constitution of the Parliament of Montenegro and his election as the President of the Parliament, Villa "Gorica", Thuesday, 23 November 2017

Presentation of the President Brajović - Villa Gorica



Introductory remarks by the Ambasador of the Italian Republic to Montenegro, Mr Vincenzo Del Monaco, at the meeting of the President of the Parliament of Montenegro, Mr Ivan Brajović, with heads of resident diplomatic missions in Podgorica (23 November 2017) 

Speech – Ambassador Vincenzo Del Monaco



Video coverage of the meeting with resident ambassadors in Montenegro

