Friday, 22 December 2017 13:55

President of the Parliament speaks at the ordinary sitting of the MASA’s Assembly

  • Distinguished academicians, your role is difficult and thankless, but do not forget that you have been chosen to keep the Montenegrin treasure. Do not forget that you are the treasure-keepers of the people that has been fostering its statehood for more than a millennium. Do not forget that you are guardians of a culture with the first printing press among the Southern Slovenes. Do not forget that you have been chosen to protect the identity of the people who has protected it with both a sword and a pen, lives and graves, centuries and millennia. Many envy you on this honourable and dignified role. I believe that you are aware of the role that has been entrusted to you, because the future is not fiction, it is but a truth that has not yet entered into force - said among other things President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ivan Brajović in his address to the academicians at the 134th ordinary sitting of the Assembly of the Montenegrin Academy of Sciences and Arts (MASA).

The President of the Parliament believes that the accountability of institutions is necessary and unconditional:  - Because if we close our eyes, we are not blind but frightened. If we plug our ears, we are not deaf but dishonest. If we fall silent, we are not mute but unscrupulous. Therefore, let us see, hear and say everything that is good, but also everything that is not, because to not be aware means to be unconscionable. And the Montenegrin Academy of Sciences and Arts and the Parliament of Montenegro cannot allow themselves to be unconscionable. Unconscionability is a luxury and the manner of those swallowed by the unreasonable ambitions and interests. And the Montenegrin Academy of Sciences and Arts and the Parliament of Montenegro have only one single ambition and one single interest. And that is the future of Montenegro, said among other things President Brajović.

pdfThe address of President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ivan Brajović to the academicians at the 134th ordinary sitting of the Assembly of the Montenegrin Academy of Sciences and Arts  - Podgorica, 22 December 2017.

Speech by President Brajović - MASA



Speech by the MASA’s President 



MASA cover footage

