Tuesday, 27 February 2018 19:19

President of the European Commission Mr Jean-Claude Juncker addresses the Parliament of Montenegro

President of the Parliament of Montenegro, Mr Ivan Brajović, spoke today with the President of the European Commission, Mr Jean-Claude Juncker. Following tête-à-tête, the EC President signed the Guest Book, after which the President of the Parliament of Montenegro and the EC President addressed MPs of the Parliament of Montenegro.

President Brajović pointed out that, after successfully completing the integration process in the NATO, Montenegro has been now directing all its social capacities towards the integration process into the European Union. "The visit of President Junker and other high-level officials to our country is a confirmation of the strong commitment and openness of the Union for the admission of new members," Mr Brajović said, adding that he believed that without Montenegro and its neighbors in the European Union, being traditionally and historically an inseparable part of Europe, there would be no peaceful, secure and interminably stable Europe.

President Brajović also said that it was extremely important for Montenegro that the regatta principle has been confirmed with the Strategy. "Our state continues with the implementation of all the necessary reforms in order to become part of the family of the European people to which it belonged, for the benefit of its citizens, because Montenegro had no dilemma that the project of United Europe was of a long-term and sustainable perspective," said the President Brajović and concluded that Montenegro, with its own efforts and taking responsibility for its own development, would be the first next member of the European Union.

President of the European Commission, Mr Jean-Claude Juncker, said he was honored and pleased to be in Montenegro, which, as he said, was rightly proud of its achievements throughout history, especially when it came to the recent history. "Parliament is the temple of democracy, the place where the arguments are debated," Mr Juncker said.

The EC President said that he was convinced the place of the Western Balkan countries, primarily Montenegro, was in the European Union. "We share the same territory and history in Europe, which is why it is necessary to reconcile geography and history," Mr Juncker said. The EC President stressed that Montenegro has been making significant progress on the path to EU membership. "The accession date depends on you," Mr Juncker said, adding that he was impressed with the determination with which Montenegro has made incredible journey over the course of 12 years."

High-level state officials, representatives of the Government of Montenegro, EU resident ambassadors to Montenegro, attended the addressing of the European Commission President, Mr Jean-Claude Juncker.


Video coverage - Mr Jean-Claude Juncker in the Parliament of Montenegro



President of the European Commission, Mr Jean-Claude Juncker, in the Parliament of Montenegro

