Friday, 16 March 2018 16:26

President of the Parliament speaks with Head of the ODIHR Observation Mission

During the conversation with Ms Tana de Zulueta, Head of the ODIHR Observation Mission for the upcoming presidential election, President of the Parliament of Montenegro, Mr Ivan Brajović, expressed his satisfaction that the OSCE/ODIHR accepted his invitation to send the observation mission and expressed his expectation of yet another objective report of this organisation with regard to the elections in our country.

The President of the Parliament also considers very beneficial for Montenegro and all participants in the elections that the most germane international organisation in this field controls and evaluates the election process.

It was assessed at the meeting that the Working Group of the Parliament did an excellent job while working on the implementation of the ODIHR recommendations, with the aim that the forthcoming election cycles be enforced with further improved electoral legislation. In this context, President Brajović pointed out that the opposition did not vote for the amendment to the Law on Election of Councillors and MPs, despite declarative efforts to amend the electoral legislation.

During the meeting, the Head of the Observation Mission showed interest in many segments of the electoral process and announced the beginning of the mission's activities. We should remind that the OSCE/ODIHR Observation Mission of presidential elections consists of 16 long-term and 100 short-term observers.

