Tuesday, 08 May 2018 14:46

Wreath at the Monument of the Partisan Fighter and a discussion "Resisting populist movements”

President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ivan Brajović leads a delegation which will lay a wreath at the Monument of the Partisan Fighter in Gorica, on Wednesday, 9 May, at 9:00h. Deputy Prime Minister Mr Zoran Pažin and the academician Mr Zuvdija Hodžić, President of SUBNOR and antifascists of Montenegro are also in the delegation.  

On the same day a discussion on "Resisting populist movements” will be held in the Blue Room of the Parliament of Montenegro, at 12.00h.

The discussion will deal with topics such as today's perception of the main values of anti-fascism, the emergence of populist movements in developed democracies, their influence on Montenegro and the region, and whether they deny anti-fascist values. A special accent will be placed on the issues whether the way of presenting the main values and messages of anti-fascism should be changed and how seductive populist messages influence the formation of value criteria of young people. Also, they will discuss the ways of fighting against stereotypes and non-selective encouragement of critical thinking among young people.

Aside from President of the Parliament Mr Ivan Brajović, the introductory remarks will be delivered by: academician Mr Zuvdija Hodžić, President of SUBNOR and antifascists of Montenegro; Ms Biljana Maslovarić - Professor of Sociology, Vice Dean for Science and International Cooperation at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Montenegro; Mr Janez Drobnič, sociologist, professor at the University of Primorska in Koper and lecturer on the EU Mobility Program at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Montenegro, Mr Aleksej Kišjuhas, sociologist, senior lecturer at the Department of sociology at the Faculty of Philosophy in Novi Sad, regular columnist of the daily Danas, Mr Goran Radojičić, literary critic and theorist, editor of numerous editions of textbooks for primary and secondary schools. Dr Dragutin Papović, historian, Member of the Parliament of Montenegro, honorary professor at the University of Montenegro, will moderate the discussion, Several Montenegrin parliamentarians will also take in the discussion, as well as professors of history, young anti-fasist, and representatives of SUBNOR. 

Tonight, 8 May, at 20h, on the plateau in front of the Parliament of Montenegro, KIC Pop Chorus and guests will have a concert of songs from the period of the National Liberation War (NOB).

All events are open to the media, which can contact the Department for Public Relations and Protocol in case they need further information. Tel. 020 404 565 (focal point Sanja Perić 067 246 994) or via e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..