Thursday, 14 June 2018 14:57

Statement by President of the Parliament of Montenegro regarding the announced return of the opposition to the Parliament

“It is obvious that election defeats have a sobering effect. It has happened exactly as I have been announcing from the beginning of the boycott: The citizens do not tolerate not to be represented in the Parliament by their elected representatives.

I would like to remind, that even without the opposition, the Parliament has done a great job.  Among other things, on the basis of the ODIHR recommendations, we have amended a number of laws and improved election environment. Even though they were invited, the opposition did not take part in drafting thereof, and also, made impossible the adoption of the Law on Election of Councillors and MPs. 

The opposition MPs, individually or in groups, will return to the Parliament. When - I would not make guesses. I believe that their return, aside from the bad election results they faced, would be also accelerated by encouraging statements of the European officials.

Any kind of conditioning by the opposition regarding their return to the Parliament has not been an option so for nor it will be the future. I think that a series of the election defeats has given answers to political stakeholders that their return to the Parliament should happen as soon as possible and unconditionally. Although the Parliament is working in full legitimacy, its full capacity would bring added value to the development of the democratisation of the Montenegrin society. Much can be done before the next parliamentary elections of 2020.”