Friday, 20 July 2018 13:22

President of the Parliament of Montenegro hosts the US Ambassador on farewell visit

President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ivan Brajović said to US Ambassador Ms Margaret Ann Uyehara, whose term of office in Montenegro is expiring, that she can be proud of her results, and that Montenegro is grateful for her contribution to the development of our country and our relations with the United States.

President Brajović and Ambassador Uyehara have agreed that intensive dialogue and joint work gave significant results in many areas and further development of relations between Montenegro and the United States.  

The President of the Parliament stressed that in the past three years of her mandate, Montenegro, with the support of the United States, succeeded in achieving historical successes. The accent was placed on the achieved reforms, crowned by NATO membership. Mr Brajović believes that it is a joint success that we have proven that a small country, with responsible politics and support from friends, can be an example in the region of all values that our Alliance cherishes. The President of the Parliament also reminded of the important visits by Vice President Mr Mike Pence, as well as several congressmen and senators, which have created a good basis that in addition to political, we strengthen economic relations.

President of the Parliament with the outgoing US Ambassador

