Wednesday, 17 July 2019 13:48

President of the Parliament of Montenegro hosts the Lithuanian Ambassador on a farewell visit

President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ivan Brajović hosted Lithuanian Ambassador Mr Rase Kairiene, who is ending his diplomatic mission in Montenegro.

President Brajović thanked Ambassador Kairiene for the fact that during her mandate, Montenegro had great support from Lithuania in achieving its strategic foreign policy priorities - full membership of NATO and progress in the process of joining the European Union. President Brajović expressed expectation that the upcoming visit of the Speaker of the Seimas to Montenegro would additionally encourage the parliamentary cooperation.

Ambassador Kairiene stressed that recognising of the great progress of Montenegro by the Lithuanian Government was the main reason for her country's strong commitment to the continuation of the European path of Montenegro, at the same pace.

The meeting emphasised that the excellent political relations between Montenegro and Lithuania were a good basis for the strengthening of economic cooperation, whereby the increase of investments in Montenegro and trade were particularly highlighted, since Lithuanian businessmen are greatly interested in this.

