Wednesday, 22 January 2020 10:55

Congratulatory message by the President of the Parliament on the occasion of the Journalists' Day of Montenegro

President of the Parliament of Montenegro, Mr Ivan Brajović, extended a congratulatory message on the occasion of 23 January, the Journalists' Day of Montenegro:

"In memory of 23 January 1871, when the first issue of the newspaper "Crnogorac" was published, congratulating the Journalists' Day of Montenegro, I show respect for the vision and enthusiasm of all our felllow countrimen dedicated to informing and educating citizens through the media over the past almost 150 years, historically rich with events.

I would like to see in the period that lies ahead true professionals in the journalism business, with their knowledge and respect for the highest standards of the profession, to act as teachers and role models to the young generations, and thus continue a series of bright examples in the history of Montenegrin journalism.

All media-oriented society actors, including state-founded institutions, as well as professional associations, educational bodies, and finally the media themselves, regardless of the ownership structure, have a common task to fight for the improvement of working conditions, respecting the independence of action, with constant awareness of their own influence and responsibility.

We are obliged to display special sensitivity and attention during the election year, in order for Montenegrin journalism to resist almost inevitable extraprofessional influences and attempts at manipulation.

In cooperation with the media on a daily basis, the Parliament of Montenegro seeks to be more open, out of the interest of the citizens of Montenegro and in accordance with the status of the most transparent parliament in the region."