Thursday, 05 March 2020 15:20

Speech of the President of the Parliament at thematic meeting of the Committee on Human Rights and Freedoms

Topic: ″Equality before the law and prohibition of discrimination for the respect of diversity″

I am glad for having the opportunity to address you today on this important topic, as well as to support the work of the Committee on Human Rights and Freedoms, which continuously organises thematic meetings and events related to the protection and promotion of human rights and freedoms in Montenegro.

I would also like to thank the Council of Europe for its continued support and partnership with the Parliament of Montenegro in a number of areas of interest to our society.

Montenegro has revised its legislative framework and ratified a number of international instruments related to the protection of human rights since the restoration of its statehood. In this way, in addition to substantially working to promote the civic values of our country, we have, formally in accordance with international practice, committed ourselves to protecting and promoting the human rights of all Montenegrin citizens, regardless of their racial, religious, national, gender or sexual orientation.  I am convinced that in terms of promoting and protecting the rights of LGBTIQ people, we have made our fellow citizens feel safer today. Important strategic documents have been adopted, several municipalities have adopted local action plans, and at a symbolic level significant progress has been demonstrated by holding eight Pride Parades.

The adoption of the Law on Lifelong Partnership of Same Sex Partners in this House last year was supposed to be a crown it all.

The Proposal for the Law provides a set of rights that are available to the heterosexual population - the right to health care through an employed partner, the right to social protection for persons in social need, the right to joint and separate property. It is clear that we are talking about things that are part of the real life of all our fellow citizens with different sexual orientation. Despite various interpretations, it is an indisputable fact that the essence of this Law is the protection of fundamental human rights.

Unfortunately, the Law was not adopted last year. I could explain to your individual reasons why some MPs did not want to vote for the law. I deliberately will not do this. I believe that each of you knows exact reason. I just want to repeat on this occasion what I had said in the capacity as the President of the Parliament, but also as the President of the Social Democrats, that my party will never make calculations with the basic human rights of citizens of Montenegro. I believe that this should be the determination of all parties that respect the values of European, civic, secular, anti-fascist Montenegro. That being the state where anyone who obeys the law can live on an equal footing, with dignity and with security.

The aforementioned Law on Lifelong Partnership of Same Sex Partners will again be part of the agenda, and I expect political entities to demonstrate their responsibility in ensuring respect for human rights and freedoms by voting in the Parliament without making calculations.

Civic Montenegro has matured and evolved throughout its history. On its truly emancipatory journey, it has accepted many realities that certain segments of society have refused to deal with. The state will fulfil its task in this area as well in order to demonstrate unequivocally, to the extent possible, readiness for its citizens to lawfully exercise their rights freely.

Along this journey, apart from decision makers in institutions and citizens individually, various organisations contribute as well. I would like to emphasise the engagement in the promotion and protection of human rights of LGBTIQ persons by NGOs Queer Montenegro, LGBT Forum Progress and others. During my visit to the Drop in Centre last year, I spoke with representatives of Queer Montenegro about the importance of cooperation of institutions with the civil sector, in order to achieve social cohesion and the broadest consensus possible on issues of common interest. Respect, protection and promotion of human rights of any group in Montenegro is a concern of all of us and is a benefit for every society.

Lastly, I expect that by adopting the Law, which is the topic of today's meeting, joint success will be achieved, and Montenegro will take a step further in ensuring a level playing field for all our citizens. I believe that as a society we will do everything within our responsibilities to continue to build Montenegro based on civic and European, above all human values. To build Montenegro as the home of free individuals and communities, the differences of which we understand, tolerate and experience as true social wealth.

Thank you! 

Speech of the President of the Parliament of Montenegro, Mr Ivan Brajović

