Član Odbora za bezbjednost i odbranu Luiđ Ljubo Škrelja boraviće u uzvratnoj službenoj posjeti Parlamentu Albanije, 10. septembra 2019. godine.

The Committee has considered amendments to the Proposal for the Law on Amendments to the Law on Defence

The Committee considered the Proposal for the Law on Amendments to the Law on Defence

Member of the Security and Defence Committee participates in the expert conference in London

The Committee has considered the 2018 Report on participation of members of the Army of Montenegro in international forces, peace-keeping missions, and other activities abroad

Predsjednik Odbora Obrad Mišo Stanišić posjetio više institucija u sektoru odbrane i bezbjednosti

A series of meetings held on the first day of the visit

Bucharest, 24-25 June 2019

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