Thursday, 08 February 2018 14:43

Committee on European Integration holds its Nineteenth Meeting

Information paper on 2017 EU support programmes to Montenegro presented

At today’s 19th meeting, members of the Committee on European Integration learned about activities with respect to projects implemented within the IPA I programme (2007-2013)  and preparations and implementation of some projects comprised by  the IPA II (2014-2020).

In his address to the Committee members, Minister of European Affairs Mr Aleksandar Andrija Pejović pointed out that during 2017, the contractual relationship between the parties was strengthened, through the signing of financial agreements, but also highlighted the excellent cooperation between state administration institutions and experts from the EU member states.

Members of the Committee were interested in the level of utilization of funds, the need for networking and educating staff members in charge of making projects, as well as key challenges in order to absorb more funds from European funds.

It was pointed out, at the meeting, that during 2017, most of the European funds were allocated to projects in the fields of transport, democracy and governance, agriculture and rural development, employment and social policies. It was stressed that the Ministry of European Affairs was working on educating and strengthening of administrative capacities, and on accelerating mechanisms for refunding funds.