Monday, 27 November 2017 10:01

Western Balkans Regional Conference "Protect and Respect – Safeguarding Human Rights" held

Member of the Committee on Human Rights and Freedoms, Mr Mirsad Murić, participated

Western Balkans Regional Conference "Protect and Respect – Safeguarding Human Rights" was organised by the OSCE Mission to Montenegro, in partnership with the Office for the Protection of Human Rights of Montenegro and the Agency for Electronic Media

The first working day was completed by a panel discussion on the topic "The role of media literacy in negating the damaging effects that media content can have on children and minors", estimating that proactive action of society and the cooperation of all subjects was very important in protecting children from harmful media content. The development of media literacy will contribute to critical thought and proper reading of the media content that are being placed before us. It was concluded that there was no unique equation for regulation of media content, but a qualified and trained citizen would know how to deal with available media content.


The second day of the Conference was dedicated to concepts of hate speech, hate crime and the role of criminal justice, non-governmental organisations and the media sector in the fight against crimes committed out of hatred and victim assistance.