Monday, 17 September 2018 15:37

Students of the Secondary Economic and Catering school and Stojan Cerović Grammar School from Nikšić visit the Parliament

Students of the Secondary Economic and Catering school and Stojan Cerović Grammar School from Nikšić, who won the first three places in search of youth rights, visited today the Committee on Human Rights and Freedoms of the Parliament of Montenegro along with their teachers.

The visit was organised on the occasion of marking the International Youth Day within the project implemented by NGO “Youth Initiative for Human Rights” and supported by the Ministry of Sports.

Chairperson of the Committee Mr Halil Duković and the Secretary of the Committee informed the guests about the responsibilities of the Committee and the activities that this working body was undertaking to promote, protect and improve human rights.

The key message extended by the Chairperson of the Committee to the youth was to advocate and to fight for their rights, but also not to infringe upon the rights of others while exercising their rights.

After the work of the Committee on Human Rights and Freedoms was presented, there was a meaningful discussion during which the Chairperson of the Committee answered the students’ and their teachers’ questions regarding the general assessment of the state of human rights in Montenegro, the legislative process and the frequency of amendments to the laws in the Parliament of Montenegro, protection against discrimination in society, the competent institutions that children could address if their rights were violated, possible human rights education and how to address the problem of child begging.