Thursday, 27 September 2018 14:36

Member of the Committee on Human Rights and Freedoms Mr Mirsad Murić at the meeting on analysis of inter-sectoral support of different systems for children with developmental disabilities

MP Mr Mirsad Murić, member of the Committee on Human Rights and Freedoms, met today with experts Ms Roxana Irimia and Ms Sonja Vasić, who are conducting the analysis of the inter-sectoral support of different systems for children with developmental disabilities in Montenegro and their families. Chairperson of the Committee on Health, Labour and Social Welfare Mr Suad Numanović also took part in the meeting held in the UNICEF Office to Montenegro.

The process of drafting the analysis was initiated by the UNICEF Office to Montenegro, in line with the Conclusion from the meeting of the Child Rights Council held on 17 July 2018.

The experts explained that the Analysis would focus on supporting the Government of Montenegro, namely the Child Rights Council in defining the support for children with developmental disabilities in Montenegro and their families. It is planned to draw up a report that will contain findings and recommendations for defining future evidence-based policies aimed at improving multi-sectoral cooperation and systemic responses, social inclusion of children with developmental disabilities and developing guidelines for strengthening the national service system for this vulnerable population.

The participants of the meeting concluded that Montenegro has made progress in protecting the rights of children with developmental disabilities, as evidenced by the data from the European Commission's Report on Montenegro. In the forthcoming period, greater attention should be paid to the unification of data on children with developmental disabilities, evaluation and monitoring of all activities implemented in accordance with strategic documents and action plans.