Monday, 24 July 2017 15:59

Committee on Human Rights and Freedoms holds its Tenth Meeting

Committee on Human Rights and Freedoms, on its Tenth Meeting, considered the 2016 Annual Report of the National Mechanism for Prevention of Torture with the Report on work conditions and treatment of security officers at the Institution for Enforcement of Criminal Sanctions.


In addition, the Committee adopted Conclusions regarding the consideration of the Strategy for Social Inclusion of Roma and Egyptians in Montenegro with the Action Plan for Implementation of the Strategy for 2017 and the Report on the Implementation of the Action Plan for 2016, the Strategy for Integration of Persons with Disabilities in Montenegro with the Action Plan for Implementation of the Strategy for 2016/2017, and the Strategy for the Protection of Persons with Disabilities from Discrimination and Promoting Equality with the Action Plan for 2017 and 2018 with the Letter of NGOs of Persons with Disabilities, of 23 June 2017. The Committee will submit the Conclusions to the Collegium of the President of the Parliament for information and to the competent authorities for their implementation.