Tuesday, 06 February 2018 15:01

Chairperson of the Committee on International Relations and Emigrants hosts Ambassador of Romania to Montenegro

Montenegro will successfully address all the challenges in the remaining section of the European road, with good and partnering understanding of its friendly countries - this is a joint conclusion from the meeting of Chairperson of the Committee on International Relations and Emigrants Mr Andrija Nikolić and Ambassador of Romania to Montenegro Mr Ferdinand Nagy.

Mr Nikolić expressed his belief that the enlargement policy will be highly positioned on the list of priorities of the Romanian presidency during the first half of 2019, bearing in mind that the integration of the Balkan countries is a prerequisite for stability and overall prosperity of the European Union.

Ambassador Nagy praised the successful fulfilment of Montenegro's strategic priority, joining NATO, especially emphasising the ability of the state policy to achieve remarkable results on its path towards the European Union, as confirmed by the announcements of top officials of the Union that Montenegro might become a full member of the EU by 2025.

During the meeting, Ambassador Nagy extended an official invitation to Chairperson of the Committee Mr Andrija Nikolić to visit, together with his colleagues, the Committee for Foreign Policy of the Romanian Parliament. 

The interlocutors agreed that the upcoming visit will strengthen the friendship between Montenegro and Romania and ensure a continuity of good bilateral relations in many fields.