Monday, 11 June 2018 14:20

Chairperson of the Committee on International Relations and Emigrants visits “Barbara Prammer” Democracy Workshops

Chairperson of the Committee on International Relations and Emigrants Mr Andrija Nikolić has visited “Barbara Prammer” Democracy Workshops, where he spoke with students of V-4 class, from Dašo Pavličić primary school - Herceg Novi.

In a pleasant atmosphere and conversation adjusted to children, the MP said that the child was the most important person and that as such they deserved special attention of the state.

Students of Dašo Pavličić primary school, who had the role of journalists, were addressing the topic Democracy and parliament, posing questions to MP Nikolić regarding the election process, adoption of laws and active citizenship.

Answering to the questions, Mr Nikolić noted that it was important for students to be active citizens and to take part in the events such as democracy workshops, because children can, by their suggestions, help parliamentarians by indicating children’s interests, which is a way to improve quality of life of both - children and community.

After this, the MP explained to the children the election process, its forms in Montenegro, and, by using the example of voting in school community, he presented the basis principles of the election process and democarcy.  He said that they should always vote freely and to make ther own choices in that regard, adding that he hoped that the political culture would be at a higher level when their time for voting comes.

At the end of the visit, Mr Nikolić explained the process of adopting laws, showed a copy of the Constitution of Montenegro and pointed out to the most important constittutional principles.  Mr Nikolić alo expressed his pleasure with participating in the programme and added that "Barbara Pramer” Democracy Workshops was an excellent idea that needs to be constantly improved, emphasising how important it was for the youth to learn about the rules, laws and the most important aspects of the state functioning.

“Barbara Prammer” Democracy Workshops is education programme of the Parliament of Montenegro, where primary school students learn during four-hour workshop on parliamentary democracy, adoption and enforements of laws, active citizens, values and history of the EU and universal principles translated into human and child rights.