Wednesday, 15 May 2019 15:13

Committee on International Relations and Emigrants holds its 53rd Meeting

Performance Report of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs considered 

At its 53rd Meeting held today, the Committee on International Relations and Emigrants, as a line committee, has considered and unanimously supported the Report on Work and Status in Administrative Areas under the authority of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 2018.

The meeting was attended by State Secretary of Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr Zoran Janković and Secretary General Mr Veselin Šuković, who presented the Report to the Committee members, and pointed out to the most important activities to Montenegro at the foreign policy plan during 2018. They particularly emphasised the progress in the accession negotiations with the EU through the opening of chapters 17 and 27, related to the economic and monetary union and environment and climate change, credibility and alliance as a NATO member where Montenegro actively works on meeting all obligations, contribution to the regional level through neighbour policy and cooperation and overall engagement at bilateral and multilateral plan.

By analysing the report, Chairperson of the Committee Mr Andrija Nikolić noted with pleasure the achieved and implemented activities of Montenegrin diplomacy in 2018.  Mr Nikolić stressed the importance of continuous reporting of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and adequate control of the Committee, enabling detailed insight in the overall activity of Montenegro’s foreign policy, where the Parliament has its recognisable contribution.

The meeting also adopted minutes from the 46th, 47th, 48th, 49th, 50th, 51st and 53rd Committee meetings.