Tuesday, 19 September 2017 16:52

MP Miloš Nikolić takes part in the round table titled “Agreement of the Radio and Television of Montenegro with the Government of Montenegro on providing public services”

Member of the Committee on Political System, Judiciary and Administration MP Miloš Nikolić today attended the round table titled “Agreement of the Radio and Television of Montenegro with the Government of Montenegro on providing public services”, organised by the OSCE Mission to Montenegro and the Radio and Television of Montenegro with the Government of Montenegro.

The round table gave an opportunity for presenting draft proposal of program obligations of the RTCG, which is in accordance with the newest amendments to the Law on Public Broadcasting Services of Montenegro, and necessary for signing the agreement with the Government of Montenegro on financing public broadcaster. Also, today’s meeting was marked by good discussion on the application of public services, model of funding, transparency and qualities of the public broadcaster that should be achieved in the following period.

The round table was attended by representatives of the media, state institutions, civil society organisations, diplomatic missions and international organisations.