Friday, 19 April 2019 16:00

Committee on Political System, Judiciary and Administration holds its 72nd Meeting

Consultative hearing held on the petition “Justice for Pavle”, which was submitted by a group of citizens of Montenegro

At the 72nd meeting held today, attended by representatives of the following authorities: Ministry of Justice, Supreme Court of Montenegro, Prosecutor’s Office and the institution of the Protector of Human Rights and Freedoms, as well as the representatives of the academic community and civil sector, views and positions were exchanged on the petition “Justice for Pavle”, with the proposal to introduce a life sentence for perpetrators of serious criminal offences, especially against children. 

The debate referred to the current legislative framework, its implementation and mechanisms to anticipate possible future perpetration of serious criminal offences, especially against children, which result in their death. The invited representatives, within their responsibilities, talked about their experience in practice, key challenges, and upcoming activities aimed at the improvement of this exceptionally important area.

Through active participation, the Committee members also exchanged views and positions with the participants in the hearing with regard to the penal policy, providing a reference to comparative international practice, with the assessment that this hearing was a good basis for further analysis and improvement of regulations in this area.

With regard to the consultative hearing, the Committee will prepare a proposal for conclusions and forward them to the responsible institutions.