Tuesday, 17 July 2018 16:30

Committee on Education, Science, Culture and Sports holds its Twentieth Meeting

Proposal for the Law on Recognition of Professional Qualifications for Pursuing Regulated Professions considered and unanimously supported

At its 20th meeting held today, the Committee on Education, Science, Culture and Sports considered the Proposal for the Law on Recognition of Professional Qualifications for Pursuing Regulated Professions, submitted by the Government of Montenegro.

The introductory remarks and explanatory statement for the Proposal for the Law were presented, in her capacity of the authorised representative of the proposer of the act, Ms Edina Dešić, Director General of the Directorate for Labour Market and Employment at the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare.

It was pointed out at the meeting that the proposed law was of great significance, not only because of the adjustment of professions in Montenegro to the European labour market, but also for adjusting the education and higher education systems to the needs of the state and the economy of Montenegro.

The Committee unanimously decided to support the Proposal for the Law on Recognition of Professional Qualifications for Pursuing Regulated Professions, and proposed to the Parliament of Montenegro to adopt it.

Under the second item of the agenda, the Committee considered and adopted the conclusions of the 16th Meeting of the Committee, dedicated to the topic: „Use of ICT in Education: Where are we now and where are we heading?”, held on 15 June 2018.

Furthermore, under the item of the agenda “current issues”, the Committee considered one proposed subject.