Friday, 08 March 2019 12:19

Committee on Education, Science, Culture and Sports holds its 31st Meeting

Proposal for the Law on Youth considered and unanimously supported

At today’s 31st meeting, the Committee on Education, Science, Culture and Sports has considered the Proposal for the Law on Youth, submitted by the Government of Montenegro.

Minister of Sports and Youth Mr Nikola Janović delivered introductory remarks and explanatory statement in respect of the Proposal for the Law on Youth, in his capacity of authorised representative of the proposer.

He emphasised that the Proposal for the Law on Youth implies a number of novelties, including the most important - the creation of conditions for the strengthening of institutional framework for planning and implementing youth policy with special focus on strengthening the role and functioning of youth centres. In addition, the Proposal includes the adoption of the Program for meeting the public interest in the field of youth policy, whereby at least biannually the Government would draft the analysis of youth needs.

He stressed that the Proposal for the Law creates possibilities for the Ministry of Sports and Youth to invest directly in construction, re-construction, adaptation and equipment of youth centres and clubs, which are free spaces for the improvement, socialising and exchange of knowledge and experiences among young people.

Following the discussion, the Committee unanimously decided to submit amendment to this Proposal for the law. The representative of the proposer of the law accepted the amendment, therefore it has become an integral part of this Proposal, in accordance with Article 150, paragraph 3 of the parliamentary Rules of Procedure.

The Committee unanimously decided to support the Proposal for the Law on Youth, and proposed to the Parliament of Montenegro to adopt it.