Monday, 12 June 2017 18:21

Day one of the visit of the Economics and Security Committee - Sub-Committee on Transition and Development of the NATO PA to Belgrade

Mr Branimir Gvozdenović, head of the Permanent Delegation to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, and Mr Obrad Mišo Stanišić, member, take part in the visit of the Economics and Security Committee - Sub-Committee on Transition and Development of the NATO PA to Belgrade.

The beginning of the visit of the Economics and Security Committee - Sub-Committee on Transition and Development of the NATO PA to Belgrade, Serbia, was marked by the round table of representatives of NATO member states and ambassadors, during which they had interactive discussion of delegates of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly with ambassadors of the North Atlantic Alliance member states. This meeting was organised by the Hellenic Embassy as the contact embassy for cooperation of Serbia with NATO.

Following that, there was a meeting of delegates of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, in the seat of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, with Mr Veroljub Arsić, Deputy Speaker of the Parliament, followed by a meeting with members of the Committee on Finance, State Budget and Control of Public Spending, the Committee on Economy, Regional Development, Trade, Tourism and Energy, and the Defence and Internal Affairs Committee. During the said meetings, the most significant results of the highest legislative house of the Republic of Serbia and the activities planned for the upcoming period were presented to the guests, both on the legislative field and in exercising its oversight role. During the discussion with members of the committees of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, the participants in the meeting particularly showed interest in the issues of economic nature, regional development, energy and defence, with special reference to the results achieved in the said fields, challenges with which they were faced and finding models for overcoming them.

This was followed by a meeting of delegates of the Economics and Security Committee - Sub-Committee on Transition and Development with resident representative of the International Monetary Fund Mr Sebastian Sosa and the discussion on the topic “Perspective of Economic Situation in Serbia and Economic Profile of the Region”, during which the guests showed interest in the current affairs from the domain of monetary policy of the Republic of Serbia and fulfilment of obligations assumed in the EU accession process.

The basic goal of the visit of the Economics and Security Committee - Sub-Committee on Transition and Development of the NATO PA to Belgrade was to inform the participants, delegates of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, on the level of domestic and foreign political development of Serbia, security challenges, level of European and Euro-Atlantic integration in the Western Balkans countries, and development of forum for exchanging opinions in that regard.

The visit of the Economics and Security Committee - Sub-Committee on Transition and Development of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly will be continued tomorrow.