Wednesday, 14 June 2017 14:02

Visit of the Economics and Security Committee - Sub-Committee on Transition and Development of the NATO PA to Belgrade ends

Head of the Permanent Delegation to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly Mr Branimir Gvozdenović and member Mr Obrad Mišo Stanišić participated

The visit of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly Committee was aimed at the overview of state of affairs of domestic and foreign political development of Serbia, economic state of affairs in this region and security challenges in that respect, and the level of European and Euro-Atlantic integration in the Western Balkans countries and other topical issues. In the context of what was said, the visit of the Economics and Security Committee - Sub-Committee on Transition and Development of the NATO PA to Belgrade, Republic of Serbia, provided to participants in the gathering, delegates of the NATO PA, directly and via discussion, relevant information in accordance with the said issues, and a forum to exchange opinions from the domain of political development of Serbia, economic state of affairs in this region and security challenges in that respect, and the level of European and Euro-Atlantic integration in the Western Balkans countries and other significant issues. During the held discussions, the participants particularly referred to the following issues: perspective of economic situation in Serbia and macroeconomic conditions in this region, Serbia’s relations with the European Union, Russia and North America, building of democratic culture, and role of the opposition in Serbia, perspective of political and economic challenges in this region, as well as those of regional nature.

On day three of the visit of the Economics and Security Committee - Sub-Committee on Transition and Development, there was a meeting of delegates of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly with representatives of the Belgrade Centre for Security Policy and Centre for Euro-Atlantic Studies during which they exchanged opinions on the following topics: “Building Democratic Culture in Serbia - Opportunities and Challenges” and “Threats to National Security and Perceptions of the European Union, Russia, USA, China and NATO”.

This was followed by the round table which provided a forum for exchange of opinions for the participants in the visit, delegates of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, with the former Ombudsman Mr Saša Janković, former President of the UN General Assembly Mr Vuk Jeremić, and President of the Party “Enough is Enough” Mr Saša Radulović on “The Role of the Opposition in Serbia” and “Perspectives of Political and Economic Challenges”.

In the final part of the visit, there was a meeting of delegates of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly with representatives of the Chamber of Commerce of Serbia dedicated to exchanging opinions on “The Business Conditions in Serbia and Regional Economic Challenges”. During this meeting, based on the current information from the subject field, the discussion, for the most part, was focused on the issues of perspective of economic development of the Republic of Serbia in the regional context, with special reference to the challenges it was facing in this field, possibilities for overcoming them, and the issues of the European future of Serbia in the said context.

With the end of this meeting, the visit of the Economics and Security Committee - Sub-Committee on Transition and Development of the NATO PA to Belgrade ended.