Wednesday, 03 July 2019 15:26

Delegation of the Parliament of Montenegro at the Annual Session of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly

President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ivan Brajović heads the delegation which, in the next two days, will participate in the 28th Annual Session of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly (OSCE PA) in Luxembourg.

The session titled “Advancing Sustainable Development to Promote Security: The Role of Parliaments” will gather parliamentarians of the OSCE member states who will discuss the current challenges in the field of security, economy, political issues, environment, human rights and humanitarian issues.

President of the Parliament of Montenegro will have bilateral meetings with the Speaker of the Parliament and other officials from Luxembourg and the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly.

During their stay in Luxembourg, the delegation of the Parliament of Montenegro will also meet with representatives of Montenegrin diaspora. 

In addition to President Brajović, the Delegation of the Parliament of Montenegro consists of parliamentarians Ms Aleksandra Vuković and Mr Nikola Rakočević.