Thursday, 04 July 2019 17:07

Delegation of the Parliament of Montenegro at the Annual Session of the OSCE PA

President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ivan Brajović heads the delegation which is participating in the 28th Annual Session of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly (OSCE PA) in Luxembourg. The session is titled “Advancing Sustainable Development to Promote Security: The Role of Parliaments”.

In his address to the Standing Committee, President Brajović pointed out that if we truly wanted a stable, peaceful and prosperous Europe, then the enlargement process must be continued more decisively, until the rest of the South-eastern European countries become a part of the European community.

He also said that with its commitment to reforms, Montenegro had clearly proved to be a part of the European system of values, and that the achieved results and our leadership position in the integration process had made us more relaxed when it comes to the membership deadlines.

- I know that you are well aware of our starting position 13 years ago and the challenges that we have overcome in the meantime, given that the OSCE PA and OSCE have passed that road together with us.  That is why we want for our citizens to feel a clear European perspective; to see that this process, based on the regatta principle, is credible. 

President Brajović said that the will of the Montenegrin authorities to make even stronger reform steps forward was indisputable, with a clear awareness of Montenegrin citizens’ expectations.  Those expectations are completely justifiable - said the President of the Parliament - because they are the ones who continuously, with the trust they bestow upon the current parliamentary majority,  give legitimacy for everything that we do.  They are precisely the ones to whom we owe the certain future of the EU citizens.       

During the official meeting with Speaker of the Luxembourg Chamber of Deputies Mr Fernand Etgen, they discussed the continuation of strengthening parliamentary cooperation of Montenegro and Luxembourg, as an important segment of bilateral relations as a whole.  President Brajović thanked for the previous support of Luxembourg to Montenegro’s NATO and European path and voiced his expectation for an even stronger support to Montenegro’s EU membership. Speaker Etgen said that Montenegrin diaspora in Luxembourg was very well integrated as well as that Montenegro was viewed as a positive example of a country which was not yet an EU member. He commended the good neighbourly policy of Montenegro, pointing out that regional cooperation was very important for economic and social stability of small countries such as Montenegro and Luxembourg.  

In a press statement after the meeting, the Speaker of the Luxembourg Chamber of Deputies said, among other things, that he was looking forward to visiting Montenegro soon in order to know more about Montenegro’s perspectives and when it would be able to fulfil all the conditions expected from it on its European path:

“I am convinced that Montenegro is doing all the democratic work to be able to soon be a full member of the European Union - said the Speaker of the Luxembourg Chamber of Deputies.

President Brajović also met with Prime Minister of Luxembourg Mr Xavier Bettel, who confirmed that the future of Montenegro was in the European Union and that he personally believed so. 

“You need us and we need you”, said the Prime Minister of Luxembourg, pointing out that Montenegro had clearly made great progress. 

President Brajović also addressed the participants of the Silk Road Support Group, with Montenegro being one of its 25 founding states:

- We are gathered here in order to strengthen the political, economic and cultural ties of the rich Eurasian space and to create the opportunity for this area to reach its full potential through the linking of the OSCE countries, which, with their geographical position and historical ties, form the ancient trade route of the Silk Road - said among other things President Brajović.

During their stay in Luxembourg, the delegation of the Parliament of Montenegro will also meet with the OSCE PA officialns, as well as with representatives of association of Montenegrin diaspora. 

The delegation of the Parliament of Montenegro also includes MPs Ms Aleksandra Vuković and Mr Nikola Rakočević.

pdfSpeech by President of the Parliament Mr Ivan Brajović at the Standing Committee of the OSCE PA Luxembourg, 4 Jul 2019


Speech by President Brajović - Standing Committee



Press statement - Mr Fernand Etgen



Footage - 28th Session of the OSCE PA Luxembourg

