Sunday, 07 May 2017 10:39

OSCE PA seminar on the topic of renationalization of politics and the fight for geopolitical spheres of influences held

Parliamentary dialogue and joint platforms of action of the OSCE PA member states are an important guarantor of peace and security

The third of a series of OSCE PA seminars organised within the Vienna process, in cooperation with the German Bundestag and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Germany, was marked by a discussion on the topic of renationalization of politics and the fight for geopolitical spheres of influences.

The seminar traditionally held in the German small town Leinseiler, a place which today symbolises reconciliation and consolidation, since it is known as a battle field of former German-Franco conflict, is aimed at providing additional contributions of the OSCE PA member states to de-escalation of current conflicts.

This year seminar, whose focus was on security of the South-East Europe, accentuated the importance of readiness and responsibility of parliamentarians to act jointly in seeking the best answers to the current challenges. Successful parliamentary diplomacy is mirrored in responsibility of MPs to provide contribution not only to building trust among states, but also to structural dialogues, which will result in concreate activities of member states, directed to mutual connections and strengthening of cooperation. Participants of the seminar pointed out that challenges in South-East Europe do not differ much from those faced by other OSCE PA members, referring to the democratic deficit, the freedom of the media, the economic and migratory crisis. Solutions should be find in strengthening economy and democratic institutions, and fostering European values in terms of improving transparency, cooperation of state structures and civil sector as well as in connecting the region through traffic and energy community.

During two day seminar on the impact of growing nationalism on the state structures, society, economy and collective security, the following spoke: Ms Christin Mutonen, OSCE PA President, Ms Doris Barnett, Head of the German delegation and the host, Mr Michael Georg Link, Director of ODIHR, Ambassador Marcel Pasco, Director of the Conflict Prevention Centre, Mr Kent Harstedt, Vice President of the OSCE PA, Mr Morten Jung, representative of the European Commission Directorate for the Western Balkans and others.

Substitute member of the Delegation of the Parliament of Montenegro to the OSCE PA MP Ms Aleksandra Vuković took part in the seminar on behalf of the Parliament of Montenegro.