At today’s 64th Meeting, the Committee on Political System, Judiciary and Administration has considered the Proposal for Conclusions by the Social Democratic Party regarding “Envelope” affair, submitted to the Parliament by MPs: Mr Ranko Krivokapić, Mr Raško Konjević, Ms Draginja Vuksanović-Stanković and Mr Džavid Šabović.

After the discussion, the Committee did not support the Proposal for Conclusions, therefore it suggests the Parliament not to adopt them.

Predsjednica Odbora za rodnu ravnopravnost Nada Drobnjak, govorila je danas na otvaranju Svjetske konferencije žena u sektoru bezbjednosti, koja se održava u Budvi.

Addresses by Ms Nancy Pelosi and Ms Federica Mogherini

Tuesday, 19 February 2019 16:58

European Parliamentary Week 2019 held in EP

Brussels, 18 - 19 February 2019