Crna Gora je već de fakto članica NATO saveza i ništa je ne može zaustaviti na putu formalizacije njenog punopravnog članstva u ovom vojno-političkom savezu, zajednička je ocjena predsjednika Odbora za međunarodne odnose i iseljenike Andrije Nikolića i ambasadora Republike Hrvatske u Crnoj Gori, Nj. E. Veselka Grubišića.

Montenegro and Georgia are friendly states, which share the same European and Euro-Atlantic aims - Chairperson of the Committee on International Relations and Emigrants Mr Andrija Nikolić and Ambassador of the Republic of Georgia to Montenegro H.E. Mr Zaza Kandelaki have jointly assessed.

Wednesday, 10 May 2017 16:05

Meeting Mr Nikolić - Mr Kandelaki

Parliament of Montenegro, 11 May

Tuesday, 09 May 2017 15:00

Meeting Mr Nikolić - Mr Al-Hantouli

At his meeting with Ambassador of Palestine to Montenegro H.E. Mr Rabii Al-Hantouli, Chairperson of the Committee on International Relations and Emigrants Mr Andrija Nikolić pointed out that Palestine was among the first countries which, in 2006, had recognised renewal of Montenegrin independence and thus had supported values of the state policy of Montenegro leading our country in the direction of its full-fledged membership to the European Union and NATO.

One proposal for the law considered


Friday, 21 April 2017 14:10

Meeting Mr Nikolić – Mr Hloben

Montenegro is the jewel of the policy of joining NATO, because after many years it is the only country at the round of enlargement to become a member of the Alliance, Ambassador of the Slovak Republic to Montenegro, H.E. Mr Roman Hloben, during the talks with the Chairperson of the Committee on International Relations and Emigrants, Mr Andrija Nikolić.


Wednesday, 19 April 2017 15:35

Meeting Mr Nikolić – Mr Orav

Chairperson of the Committee on International Relations and Emigrants, Mr Andrija Nikolić, pointed out at the meeting with H.E. Mr Aivo Orav, Head of the EU Delegation to Montenegro, that the opposition boycott of the Parliament had no real foundation and that it was not sustainable, assessing further that dialogue between democratically elected representatives was being conducted solely in the Parliament.


Tuesday, 18 April 2017 17:08

Meeting Mr Nikolić – Mr Orav

Chairperson of the Committee on International Relations and Emigrants, Mr Andrija Nikolić, will weet with H.E. Mr Aivo Orav, Head of the EU Delegation to Montenegro, on Wednesday, 19 April.

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