Sunday, 18 March 2018 13:05

MP Radule Novović participates in the SEECP PA Standing Committee Meeting

Bled, 16-17 March

Member of the Parliament of Montenegro's permanent delegation and the Chairman of the General Committee on Social Development, Education, Research and Science of the South East Europe Cooperation Process Parliamentary Assembly (SEECP PA), Mr Radule Novović, took part in the SEECP PA Standing Committee Meeting on 16 and 17 March in Bled, as part of Slovenian chairmanship over the initiative.

With the participation of parliamentarians from all 13 SEECP participating countries, the Proposal of the Final Declaration, with amendments submitted by parliaments, was considered. Following a comprehensive and constructive discussion, the text of the final declaration was unanimously formulated, which would be adopted at the SEECP PA Plenary Session.

The discussion was held on current standstill with regard to the issues of SEECP PA's seat and budget, which ended with concrete conclusions, as well as expectations that this open issue would be resolved by the end of Slovenian chairmanship.

In addition, the agenda for the April Plenary Session has been determined, and the SEECP PA Annual Work Programme, refering to the upcoming chairmanship of Bosnia and Herzegovina of the initiative.

The SEECP PA's Plenary Session agenda for 13 and 14 April in Ljubljana, beside presentations of presidents of parliaments of the SEECP PA member countries, the address of MP Radule Novović was aslo envisaged, who, in the capacity of the Chairman and rapporteur of the General Committee on Social Development, Education, Research and Science, is to present the Report and the Resolution adopted at the General Committee Meeting, held in Podgorica on 23 and 24 February.