President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ivan Brajović today met Ambassador of Albania to Montenegro Mr Ernal Filo.


Tuesday, 24 January 2017 00:35

President Brajović hosts journalists

President of the Montenegrin Parliament congratulated Day of Journalists of Montenegro to journalists, at the dinner hosted on that occasion. In his address, he has emphasised the importance of public word, the role that journalist branch as a whole has, and the fact that transparency of the Parliament of Montenegro has been recognised by some international surveys. The President of the Parliament announced his contribution to that assessment by raising the existing level of openness and expanding the cooperation with all public actors. He informed the journalists on the forthcoming activities of the Parliament of Montenegro:

Members of permanent delegations of the Parliament to parliamentary assemblies were appointed and it was decided that, until the new Secretary General is appointed, the tasks falling under his responsibility would be performed by Ms Jelena Radonjić.

President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ivan Brajović today received Ms Irena Tatarzynska, Ambassador of Poland to Montenegro. The President of the Montenegrin Parliament expressed satisfaction with the excellent relations of Montenegro and Poland at political level, obvious interest of this country to invest in Montenegro as well as dynamic cooperation in the fields of culture, science and education.

President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ivan Brajović today has received Mr Željko Stamatović before he assumes the office of the Consul General in New York. At the meeting, they mostly discussed the significance of protection of interest of citizens of Montenegro living in the said consular area.


President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ivan Brajović extended a congratulatory message to Mr Antonio Tajani, on being elected as the new President of the European Parliament. The congratulatory message says that rich political and parliamentary experience of Mr Tajani will significantly contribute to the work of the European Parliament.


President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ivan Brajović, who is paying a two-day working visit to the Republic of Italy, on the occasion of the adoption of the NATO Accession Protocol for Montenegro, has met in Rome today Deputy Foreign Minister Mr Vincenzo Amendola and senators - Mr Pier Ferdinando Casini , Chairperson of the Senate’s Committee on Foreign Policy and Emigration, Mr Vannino Chiti, Chairperson of the Committee on European Union Policies and Mr Aldo Di Biagio and Mr Stefano Collina, members of the Friendship group with Montenegro in the Italian Senate.


President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ivan Brajović, who is paying a working visit to the Republic of Italy, on the occasion of the adoption of the NATO Accession Protocol for Montenegro, has met in Rome today President of the Italian Chamber of Deputies Ms Laura Boldrini. 


Commemorative Sitting on the death of Secretary General of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Siniša Stanković was held in the Parliament of Montenegro today. Addressing the present, President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ivan Brajović said, inter alia, that Mr Stanković was exceptionally humane, building his authority solely on his deeds.