The control hearing request of the MP Group of the Social Democratic Party of Montenegro considered

The control hearing request of the MP Group of the Social Democratic Party of Montenegro considered

At its 63rd meeting, the Committee on Economy, Finance and Budget held a consultative hearing on: “State of play in the banking sector of Montenegro”, attended by representatives of the Central Bank of Montenegro.

In accordance with Article 49 of the parliamentary Rules of Procedure (Official Gazette of the Republic Montenegro, No 51/06, 66/06  and Official Gazette of MNE, No. 88/09, 80/10, 39/11, 25/12, 49/13, 32/14, 42/15, 52/17 i 17/18), and in relation to Art. 30 para. 2 of the Law on Election of Councillors and MPs (Official Gazette of MNE No 4/98, 5/98, 17/98, 14/00, 18/00, 9/01, 41/02, 46/02, 45/04, 48/06 ans 56/06 and (Official Gazette of the Republic Montenegro, No 46/11, 14/14, 47/14, 12/16, 60/17 i 10/18), the Administrative Committee issues the