Sastanak nacionalnih mehanizama za rodnu ravnopravnost i Balkanske regije, 25. i 26. januar 2019. godine

Pursuant to Article 33 of the Law on National Public Broadcaster of Radio and Television of Montenegro (Official Gazette of MNE, No 79/08, 45/12, 43/16, and 54/16), the Administrative Committee issues a:

The Committee initiated the procedure for nominating members of the Council of the RTCG 

Request by the MP Group of the Social Democratic Party of Montenegro on control hearing considered

At the beginning of its 73rd meeting, the Legislative Committee has extended its agenda by the Proposal for the Law on Amendments to the Law on Identity Card

Thursday, 24 January 2019 16:40

Meeting Mr Nimanbegu - Mr Chernysh held

The Committee adopted its 2018 Performance Report and the decision on forming new friendship groups