Amendment to the Proposal for the Law on the Prevention of Violence and Misbehavior at Sports Events considered

Ten amendments were considered and the Proposal for the decision on appointment of a member of the State Audit Institution was determined

At today’s 29th meeting, the Legislative Committee has considered and voted in favour of the Proposal for a decision on amendments to the Rules of Procedure of the Parliament of Montenegro, submitted by MPs: Mr Miodrag Radunović, Mr Vujica Lazović and Mr Ervin Ibrahimović.

The Committee determined the Proposal for a decision on appointment  of a member of the Council of the Insurance Supervision Agency

The Legislative Committee has considered and voted in favour of: the Proposal for the Law on Old Royal Capital, the Proposal for the Law on Amendments to the Law on Travel Benefits for Persons with Disabilities, the Proposal for the Law on Amendments to the Law on Social and Child Welfare, and the Proposal for the Law on Supplement to the Bankruptcy Law.

At today’s meeting, the Collegium of the President of the Parliament of Montenegro has strongly condemned yesterday’s behaviour of the Democratic Front MP during the meeting of the Administrative Committee.  With regard to that, the Collegium expressed regret over the repeated incidents, aimed at undermining dignity of the Montenegrin Parliament. Members of the Collegium agreed that cases of indecent and irresponsible behaviour of MPs, violating dignity and reputation of the Parliament of Montenegro and the citizens who elected them, have been rare in the history of Montenegrin parliamentary life.

Several proposals for laws considered

Fourteenth Sitting of the First Ordinary (Spring) Session will be held today, at 11:00